By Shawn OConnor on Saturday, 09 January 2021
Posted in Pre Sales
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I don't see a clear way that Easy Articles integrates with easy social. If there is please guide me to it?

I would like my easy social users to be able to access Easy Articles and build articles for the website. I'm not sure yet how the two integrate. If they don't integrate then perhaps I should be using EasyBlog with Easy Social as that integration seems much more native.

Let me know.

Hello Shawn,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here. EasyArticles uses articles in Joomla and EasySocial has built-in integrations with Joomla articles, so there really isn't an "integration" needed specifically for EasyArticles.

You can find the articles app that EasySocial provides from
Saturday, 09 January 2021 14:54
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