By Dave Parker on Tuesday, 24 March 2015
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Hi guys.

First off, don't think what I am about to write is in any way a criticism of your products. It's merely observations... (Mark, you know I'm one of your biggest fans for what you've created with ES!!!)

I am currently putting together a community website which allows people to post questions and receive answers, an "experts exchange" site if you will.

To achieve this, I also want a "community" feel to the site. So what better pairing of ES and ED, right?

Until you start trying to put together the site. There is a huge disconnect between ES and ED. Yes, I know, you're working hard on EB5. But the problem is that ES and ED should play nicely together. You've created some mechanisms for ED to talk to ES, but it's a one-way street.

Here are some of the problems I've run into.

  1. ED doesn't play nicely with mod_pagespeed
  2. ES and ED don't talk to each other - for example, ED posts on ES timeline. If you reply to a post on ES timeline, it doesn't get forwarded to the same ED discussion
  3. There's no way to incorporate ED discussions into ES groups
  4. You can't vote on ED discussions from the ES timeline
  5. A "like" for a timeline entry relating to an ED post on the ES timeline isn't reflected as a "like" on the ED discussion
  6. ED polls cannot be integrated into the ES timeline

These are just some of the problems I've run into so far. In essence, the two products, when put together, only work on a limited basis.

I love StackIdeas products, and really love the ES product. In fact, it seems that the whole ED system should be integrated into ES to make the user experience translucent, fluid, and less "clunky".

Would welcome your thoughts on this. Currently, I am beginning to wonder if my project is effectively dead in the water because of this disconnect?

Hi Dave,

I am sorry for the late reply.
Thank you for your time writing this to us. Regarding your inquiry,

1. ED doesn't play nicely with mod_pagespeed
I am sorry. May I know what do you mean by EasyDiscuss doesn't play nicely with mod_pagespeed. Can you please provide us with any example so that we can understand this better?

2. ES and ED don't talk to each other - for example, ED posts on ES timeline. If you reply to a post on ES timeline, it doesn't get forwarded to the same ED discussion
3. There's no way to incorporate ED discussions into ES groups
4. You can't vote on ED discussions from the ES timeline
5. A "like" for a timeline entry relating to an ED post on the ES timeline isn't reflected as a "like" on the ED discussion
6. ED polls cannot be integrated into the ES timeline
Currently these features is not available yet in the current system however, we'll try implement this in the future. Can you kindly post a request at .

Hope you can understand.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015 18:16
0 Votes
Hi Mohd.
Alerx is now looking into point 1 above as I've noticed a few issues that seem to have broken ED.

As for the other suggestions, I have created a "voices" entry for these.
Thursday, 26 March 2015 21:00
0 Votes
Hi Dave,

Thanks for updating us back on this.

Have a nice day.
Friday, 27 March 2015 00:40
0 Votes
Yes me too i would like to see EasyDiscuss into EasySocial groups
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 18:08
0 Votes
Hi fofilou,

Thanks for your interest in this. Please vote this feature in voices page.

Have a nice day.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 18:32
0 Votes
+1 here for proper integration of EasyDiscuss and EasySocial!!

I'll vote on Voices too.
Friday, 17 April 2015 18:00
0 Votes
Thanks for heading up on this.
Saturday, 18 April 2015 15:24
0 Votes
Glad to help... but I could not find a Feature for this, beyond the ones that I posted over a year ago.

If I add a new request... how specific do you want it to be?

For example... Should I add "Improved ES/ED integration" (because as Dave correctly stated " There is a huge disconnect between ES and ED")


or would you prefer something like:

* Link ED discussions to ES users
* Link ED polls to ES users
* Link ED updates to a users ES activity stream
* Link ED discussions to groups
* Link ED polls to ES groups
* Link ED updates on group discussion to ES group activity stream
* Link ES groups to Joomla groups or use ES group membership to secure ED discussions so that groups can have private discussions
* Integrate 'likes' and 'badges' between ES and ED
* Allow voting for answers in ES activity stream
* Link ED into ES menuing system (
* etc

I imagine that profile integration could be better but I think that there is already some profile integration in there already that I have not yet tried, so I'm not yet sure what to suggest.

Also... I am sure that I've posted many of these request before but I can not longer find them. For example... this post: references this link: which now seems dead.

Finally... an open invitation to anyone reading this... If you are interested in co-funding the development of some of this stuff please ping me. For example, I already have a rudimentary plugin that integrates ES groups with Joomla groups and I would be happy to share it with any/all who would be willing to share the cost of getting it working properly.

I am sure that with a bit of plugin dev we can find a way to create plugins for some of the activity stream integration. It looks like there are some plans to integrate further in ES v2 ( . By doing ourselves it won't be perfect but it's going to be better than what we have now and we will not have to wait till v2 (which could be years away) to see any of this.

Saturday, 18 April 2015 19:33
0 Votes
Hello Christopher,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply. You can elaborate your own explanation when you submitting the request. There is no restriction in providing the idea in our voice page. By the way thanks for the heads up on this
Tuesday, 21 April 2015 19:05
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