By Kirill on Sunday, 13 December 2020
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The display of reposts on pages is incorrect.
For example:
1. User-1 adds photo-1 to the page.
2. User-2 made a repost of photo-1.
3. User-3 made a repost of photo-1.
As a result, the timeline of the page displays all reposts.
There is no such problem timeline profile, if user-1 makes a repost of user-2's photo, then this repost is displayed only in the profile user-1 and timeline dashboard. And this is the correct behavior.
For example, it is difficult to imagine a Facebook page that displays all user reposts. This is completely illogical.
Please add the option to disable the display of reposts on pages.
Please post feature requests at as we no longer maintain this section. We only use it for reference to old requests.
Sunday, 13 December 2020 23:14
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