By Adam O. on Friday, 18 November 2016
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Hi there,

I've got problems with setting up date and time in events.

1. when I choose date, it shows me in event view number of day with english 'rd', 'th' and 'st' - how can I change it, to disable this and make european date format?

2. when I add new event, in event form I see hours in 12h mode, and can't change it anywhere - how can I fix it?
My normal time format is 24h, and after add I see correct hour in 24h...

3. in sharebox, when I add new event, moreover that I see time in incorrect in my case time mode (12h), under date and hour I see UTC dropdown menu - how can I disable it? I think that final site user no need to select this, so can I hide or disable this option? [attached file]

Best regards!
Many thanks Fadhli for your help!

It is everything what I need

Best regards!
Saturday, 19 November 2016 05:31
0 Votes
Hi Adam,

Kindly find my response to your inquiries below:
1. when I choose date, it shows me in event view number of day with english 'rd', 'th' and 'st' - how can I change it, to disable this and make european date format?
-> You can change the language string below:


or by edit it the custom field of the event category: (Events>SelectEvent>Custom Field>Event date/time)
as you prefer according to the PHPdate format here:

2. when I add new event, in event form I see hours in 12h mode, and can't change it anywhere - how can I fix it?
My normal time format is 24h, and after add I see correct hour in 24h...

->Unfortunately, it is not possible to use 24hr in the calendar when you creating a new event currently, where for the option (Settings>Event>Display Time Format) is only for display in the front end.

3. in sharebox, when I add new event, moreover that I see time in incorrect in my case time mode (12h), under date and hour I see UTC dropdown menu - how can I disable it? I think that final site user no need to select this, so can I hide or disable this option
-> You can disable the timezone by:
(Events>SelectEvent>Custom Field>Event date/time)
Friday, 18 November 2016 11:43
0 Votes
Thanks for updating, glad that your issues are resolved now
Saturday, 19 November 2016 15:27
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