By Richard Zombeck on Sunday, 03 November 2013
Posted in Technical Issues
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I'm getting a lot of queries (132) on the Easyblog page of my site as opposed to 20/30 on other pages. I have the latest Joomla 2.5 and latest Easyblog version as well. It's causing my hosting company to issue warnings about the CPU usage and MySql minutes.
The site is cached, but this seems to make no difference. There are about 27 calls to the asset table and many more to the easyblog table - see attached
Hello Richard,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here. Having more queries does not mean that it slows down your site This is something that you need to consider because joining multiple table queries in a single query would eventually generate a slow query log. We have tuned this down quite a bit but because of the way Joomla's SEF work, we need to run multiple sql queries to obtain the proper menu id and I think this is where it's generating these queries.

We do often question ourselves, is it better to have lesser queries or a faster loading page? We could reduce down the queries to maybe within 10 - 20 but this will definitely slow down your site because of the number of joins that is made on each table.
Sunday, 03 November 2013 13:14
0 Votes
I understand that, but it's not a question of my site being slow, it's a question of extensive MySQL Minutes: MySQL minutes (Last day) 101/20
and CPU minutes: CPU minutes (Last day) 184/100 causing warnings from my host.

Easyblog seems to send these requests every time the page loads despite the cache settings.
Monday, 04 November 2013 02:57
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Hello Richard,

Hm, I have never heard about any host complained about SQL queries but running simpler and shorter sql queries wouldn't generate that much CPU requests. How do they identify as a single cpu minute? Does every query generates a single cpu minute?
Monday, 04 November 2013 13:19
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so, normal pages run around 20-30 queries. Easyblog pulls as many as 122 or more queries. Moreover many of them are redundant like the component is stuck in a loop or something. There were 30 duplicate requests for an asset on one of the pages I looked at.

would reinstalling help or would that wipe out the data?

blog pages do not appear to be being compressed at all. The blog pages are over 3MB each time they download to a visitor. Check this link to see what I mean:!/ca6Idv/
In contrast the home page is only 1.8MB.

If this is normal, is there a way to migrate from easyblog entries to core joomla?
Friday, 08 November 2013 23:33
0 Votes
Hi Richard,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply.

The blog pages are over 3MB each time they download to a visitor. Check this link to see what I mean:!/ca6Idv/
In contrast the home page is only 1.8MB.

Regarding the above, it seems like loading the social buttons from various provider increased the page size I've temporary disabled the social buttons from loading in EasyBlog frontpage and now the EasyBlog frontpage the page size is around 1mb

As for why there are so many request to joomla table 'assets', I am still checking this issue. I tried in my local by not returning any data from EasyBlog and yet the number of queries to assets table is still high

I will get back to you regarding this matter as soon I've figured out why this is happening.

is there a way to migrate from easyblog entries to core joomla?

I am sorry but I am not aware of any migration tool from EasyBlog into Joomla

Hope this help and have a nice day
Tuesday, 12 November 2013 16:23
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