By Julian on Tuesday, 31 March 2015
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Hi everybody,

stuck in the upgrading-process I just think it would be usefull for you to raise your prices.
The main reason is: Your products are worth it! I would not hesitate a single second if you would charge the double for your extensions.

But ... the recent process is frustrating. You spread out coupons everywhere.
I am promised xx% at Readybytes, xx% at Joomlashine, 25% at cyber-monday. But when trying to make a regular update on my subscription, I run into one frustration after the other.

Staying internal at STackideas, I get a small discount (40$) when I buy the bundle. And that´s it.

If you would raise your prices and give all existing a flat discount that is aligned to cyber-monday, it would make it easy to extend no matter about what time of the year it is. You just should make sure that the extension-offers to your own customers are always the best offers.

It makes no sense if an external coupon is higher than your own ones.
This makes it difficult to extend subscriptions for existing customers. Somehow, I always run into the situation that I have to pay more then others or wait to a special date to extend (cyber-monday).

However, to mention that again:
Your extensions are worth every penny, the quality is as great as your support.
You really don´t need to have dumping-prices out there, but I believe you should offer your existing customers the best available offer when extending theire subscriptions. Else you would treat external c ustomers better then existing ones, and that simply makes no sense to me.

All the best, Julian!
Hi Julian,

Thank you for your response. Justin here, from Stack Ideas' marketing team.

Well, some part of us do want to raise the price to cater to the quality of both our product and services. However, another part of us becomes dominant and stop the plan as our initial idea is to assist the community to grow without neglecting our own growth. I have to tell you, it's a very tough decision to make everyday.

As for the coupon codes, each of our partners were given a special coupon code for them to offer their customers and it was not meant to be shown to public. I would have to edit your post to ensure the privacy of our partners.

Apart from that, the team is really grateful for your kind words and ideas. We will certainly keep this in mind whenever we release any versions of our product. Thank you Julian.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 16:40
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Well, some part of us do want to raise the price to cater to the quality of both our product and services. However, another part of us becomes dominant and stop the plan as our initial idea is to assist the community to grow without neglecting our own growth. I have to tell you, it's a very tough decision to make everyday

I know that as I have my own business. This is why I want to tell you from a customers point of view: Raise your prices!

When ES started, it was just the "new Social Network" and JomSocial was "the real one". But ES did grow really fast and for my opinion it is more stable then JomSocial right now. And Jomsocial is 50% more expensive then ES.

From the customers point of view, this looks like "JomSocial is better". If the price is higher, most people think the product is better also. This is why I think you should rise your price OVER 149 Dollars. Anyway, you could cancel the stupid 6-month-subscription and offer a 12-month-subscription instead.

12 Months Easysocial for 197 US$ would be nearly the same price as you have, but "look better".
When a customer would decide between ES and JS, he would see the same price, but more duration on ES.

However, for my opinion you could also rise the price to 279 $ for 12 months. Fair price for ES.

I understand you want to force the developement of extensions and plugins, which works better in cheaper extensions. But ... it works best in free extensions. So when you are brainstoarming in your meetings again, here an Idea, that is very different, but maybe interesting:

Built a free and very limited Social-Network. Includet are:

- Profiles
- Activity Stream
- Messaging

Then you can sell all your extensions as extensions to the Social Network which is free:
- Easysocial (Groups, Photos, Events,...)
- Easyblog (Blogging)
- EasyDiscuss (Discussing)

This way, you would have a free base that can be used by everybody. It would enforce all developement and also create a big, big community. And your main (money-bringing) products are safe: The limited network should not harm the sales of the products itself.

Well ... it´s just an Idea. Maybe you like to think about it in your next meeting.
By the way ... I always think that ES/EB/ED/K should not be that separated. They should be like one "Social-Suite" and not like four different products.

All the best, Julian!
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 22:08
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Hi Julian,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have to admit, those are very, very good ideas. I've jotted everything down and will discuss everything with Mark and the team.

Thank you again, Julian!
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 18:42
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hi Ahmad, i prefer EB and ED as a seperate Producct wich is of course well integrated into my costumized JS! because i do not use ES and therefore please discuss this als with Mark and the Team!
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 19:06
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Hi René,

I just realized too late that you are talking about JS. In fact, this is where it would get complicated: Adding ED and EB into a different social network. Even with having a light-version of ES installed as a framework ... it would get very difficult in combination with JS.

I just imagine JS, which has an own framework, based on a Joomla-Template with a framework. Then you might install Tigra as JS-Template, which also carries a framework with it, and also ES as a framework ... that would be way too much frameworks for my opinion.

So right, Ahmad, even if it´s not important for me personaly, you should also keep in mind that EB and ED can be used with JS or CB at the moment.

All the best, Julian!
Wednesday, 01 April 2015 20:28
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Thanks for sharing this Julian
Thursday, 02 April 2015 03:00
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