You are welcome ... The idea for this is .. if you have a bundle you MUST USE ConverseKit because i think it will bring a big plus to your website ... i don't have it and didn't use it but from demo i got it
If you decide to include it, for those who buyed the PRO, Club or Agency bundle you must give them the same opportunity ... a discount for ConverseKit ... otherwise they can be offended )))
Anyway ... you know better
Wish you a nice day!
We have no intention of offending any of our users. ConverseKit was fairly a new product and it was introduced just early this year. This is why it wasn't included in our bundle products, as our bundle plans were already up on our store since last year.
Hi Sylvie,
I know you don't intend to offend your customers LOL ... was a joke ... I was referring to me as a recent buyer of a PRO bundle ... LOL ... I intend to buy this component, maybe next week
My bad, it looks like i took it the wrong way. Anyway, we will consider this in the near future.
As a gentle reminder, kindly start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiry. I will lock and mark this thread as resolved.