By Giovanni Mio Medicina on Thursday, 21 September 2017
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Hi ,
it would be useful to make the "language" field compulsory.
to select the requirement and not pre-selected on "all".
so as to alert the author that his post will only be seen by users of this language.
or enable automatic post language.
to thank
I had a discussion about this and hope it can be solved so the site can be streamlined for different langauges for different/same content posts by setting an option for the posts with checkboxes for what langages should be visable or not for a post.

For example a post can to be seen on Spanish, Italian languages but not English ( why bcs they are quite similar languages and people in these country zones speaks/understand Italian/Spanish) just one example.

And some goes for Portugese that could be mapped with Spanish,Italian and Portuges. And not english in that case of an article.

Just my ideas for making a better blog experience where people dont speak English and for example that Spanish is huge and these people dont speak English so much in comparision to other countries that are smaller and have smaller language entrances. They know English better than for example people in South America where everybody almost speak and prefer Spanish only (Brazil portugese).
Thursday, 21 September 2017 21:37
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I think I might be interested in reading articles in different languages, but I'm the one who reads that I decide to read them.
The writer should decide who to show his articles, for example: usa and gb.

But the language field must be compulsory otherwise we would have many articles together of different languages and create confusion ...
Monday, 02 October 2017 21:07
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