By Alex on Friday, 15 July 2022
Posted in Technical Issues
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Hi, I have three issues, I assume it is related to the same issue?

1) Not sure, if that is an issue: When a user makes a new post, then this posting cannot be edited. Is that a "feature", or a bug?

2) I wanted to insert an uploaded image, but the image is not shown. I uploaded it. Then I inserted it. It shows the URL, but not the image in the post. I did that as user in frontend (see screenshot below).

I tried to change that as admin in backend, where I was able to open the post in edit mode, but same result.

3) I wanted to change the category of the latest post to the new category EVENTS, but it is not saving in new category.

After changes are made (unsuccessfully), I am recognizing a red bar. It seems, it is a notification. I was adding some padding with Chrome inspector to see, if there is a message inside, but nothing. But I guess there is some issue, and this red bar is somehow related to it?

Thank you,

Screenshot 2022-07-15 085816.png
Hey Alex,

You may refer to this setting.
Settings>Layout>Post View>Post Activity Logs
Friday, 15 July 2022 16:13
0 Votes
Reagarding the not being able to insert an image, and changing the category: Now it works.

I think it is related to the formatting of the text of the post, which I copied from a posting on Facebook:

"Zeller Seefest mit Airshow (𝟏𝟔.𝟎𝟕.𝟐𝟐)"

Event posting the text first to the Windows editor, or Notepad++ did not remove the formatting. It still showed up. After removing the date, and typing it in "manually", then adding an image and changing the category still worked... Strange.

How can I let users edit the first posing?
Friday, 15 July 2022 15:29
0 Votes
Hi Alex,
1) Not sure, if that is an issue: When a user makes a new post, then this posting cannot be edited. Is that a "feature", or a bug?
How can I let users edit the first posing?
There is an ACL setting for editing own question(refer attached1). You may check that and ensure it is enabled.
3) I wanted to change the category of the latest post to the new category EVENTS, but it is not saving in new category.
I checked the post and noticed you already changed the category. I tried moving the post category again and there is no empty red notice(attached2).
I think it is related to the formatting of the text of the post, which I copied from a posting on Facebook:

"Zeller Seefest mit Airshow (𝟏𝟔.𝟎𝟕.𝟐𝟐)"
That is strange. If you are able to reproduce the image not showing issue again when copying from Facebook, let us know the exact steps and content to copy so we can try it out.
Friday, 15 July 2022 15:56
0 Votes
Thank you Raymons!

Another question: All of the sudden, there is a change log below one of the posts. It shows up even if one is logged out:

How can I restrict of showing the change log to anyone, except of super admins or community administrators?

Friday, 15 July 2022 16:06
0 Votes
Great - thank you!
Friday, 15 July 2022 16:55
0 Votes
You're most welcome Alex.

Friday, 15 July 2022 18:13
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