By Kimo Lee on Friday, 31 January 2014
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Hi StackIdeas,

We just had our site migrated from Joomla 1.5 to 3.2.1. The 1.5.x Joomla site was using a SectionEx menu item to display a Section-Category-Article-List. Our developer migrated the site content and set up the old SectionEx menu item as a standard Joomla Category Blog menu item.

All of the links in the Section-Category-Article-List work. We weren't using SEF URLs in the old site, but we want to do so in the new site. Problem is that when we turn on SEF URLs and enable URL Rewriting (and rename .htaccess), the majority of the old SectionEx links break in the new Category Blog menu item page.

Do you have any recommendations or protocol of how we can solve this problem?

Some of the URLs looks pretty normal:

Others look pretty strange, but they work when SEF URLs, etc. is turned off:

Thanks in advance for any help!

How does the SEF links look like ?
Friday, 31 January 2014 18:57
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In general, the working ones are as normal Joomla SEF URLs look, with the alias in the URL -- words separated by hyphens -- instead of article parameter code appended onto index.php as above.

There are some of the broken URLs which leave out the first part of the appended, non-SEF Joomla URL:
I've checked the code for the URL and it is the full URL.

In other URLs which look like they are SEF but do not work, I have noticed the following but not confirmed in detail:

SEF URLs which contain the following don't work:

• Any capital letters in alias
• Spaces between alias words
• Parentheses in alias

Upon checking several articles which have these converted but broken URLs, Joomla does not appear to be using the aliases entered into each article. It is actually inserting the article titles into the URLs even though those articles already have alias text (with words and hyphens).

So there appear to be three things happening,

1. Broken truncated URLs
2. Working SEF URLs
3. Broken URLs with titles as aliases (with spaces, not hyphens between words).

Friday, 31 January 2014 22:43
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