By Kristian on Wednesday, 30 October 2013
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I'm considering using EasySocial on my new JReviews website and I have a few theme related questions.

I noticed that EasySocial bundles its own copy of Bootstrap 2 with the base theme. Is it possible to remove Bootstrap from the base theme and instead use Bootstrap that is being loaded by Joomla 3 (the same as most Joomla extension do, to avoid having multiple copies of Bootstrap loaded on the same page)?

In case using Joomla 3's bundled Bootstrap isn't an option, do you have any plans to switch to the much improved Bootstrap 3?
Hello Kristian,

Thank you for your interest in EasySocial Unfortunately, we have to load our own copy of bootstrap because some of the styles are actually modified since we cannot rely purely on the template's bootstrap.

However, if you are of course able to modify those .less files and remove whatever you don't need (and let it fall back to the template's css) since we provide LESS files with the package as well
Wednesday, 30 October 2013 23:14
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Please don't take my remark wrong since I admit I know nothing of Bootstrap technics and LESS… but isn't it possible to separate your modification and the core Bootsrap and add an option in backend to load bootstrap or not ?

I ask this because I think this is how JReviews work with JQuery… You can disable the loading of the library if you use another one to avoid it being loaded twice.

I know this is probably not critical, however whenever I see the Joomla environment I feel there is a lot of lost energy because you have to load everyone's own copy of a standard JS/CSS/whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I looove Easysocial and I think you guys at Stackideas rock a lot. However, I just wanted to give you my point of view as a not-so-technical-user-anymore-who-nonetheless-likes-to-see-how-it-works


Thursday, 31 October 2013 17:47
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Ideally, a Joomla extension should load original copy of bootstrap (when bootstrap isn't already loaded on the page) and all extension specific customizations of bootstrap should be done in separate less/css files instead of modifying core bootstrap files. But I can understand that it's a lot more work for developers this way.

If I understand correctly, EasySocial has its own LESS compiler? I don't see an option to compile compressed css? The default two uncompressed css files are more than 600 KB large.

Anyway, it's not a big deal for me, I just purchased ES and I can customize the themes how I want
Thursday, 31 October 2013 18:54
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Yep, that's right but we do not run the compiler on the site at all because compiling less stylesheets are extremely resourceful and it uses at least minimum of 64 MB(Which most hosting providers would fail).

But of course, we provide the less source files and you can modify it however you want We're still thinking if we should give the option to compile less stylesheets because what we learnt from EasyDiscuss is that 99% of the time, nobody really use it and doesn't have a clue what it does
Friday, 01 November 2013 02:29
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