By Chris Chase on Saturday, 29 October 2016
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I was wondering if you know of a theme or a way to have the blog author image to appear next to the blog title when the blog is opened up. It looks like the older version of easy blog was laid out that way. I just want to know if this feature is still possible or has it been taken out.

When blog is not opened fully:
When blog is opened fully:

Please advise

- Amber
Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

Yes, we already took it out in EasyBlog 5, so other theme will be same.

If you really need this author avatar appear on the blog title area, you can always request for a quote from us at and select "Customizations" . Our sales person would be glad to send you a quote for the customizations that you have requested.
Saturday, 29 October 2016 09:31
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