By Tristan on Thursday, 02 May 2019
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Currently in Easydiscuss the situation is like that for SEO page titles & Meta

1. The page titles are defined by the post title, it makes sense by default but if you have a page title defined in the Joomla menu it overrides all Easydiscuss page titles.
>> You should change that behaviour to force the page title only the root forum link like "frontpage" menu.

2. By default the meta keyword are filled by the post title content, it makes non sense, 1st this is not a keyword, 2nd it hurts badly the SEO on multilingual websites

3. The meta description is by default filled the beginning of the post content. It may work in some cases, if the user put at the beginning of his post a kind of description that match the page title but on our experience user can put whatever they want at the beginning of their post like:

For example on this page, the first 145 characters for the meta desc is: "Hi! Based on your documentation, it seems that WP File Download reads in the contents of the files you upload. If that is indeed the case, where the"

In my opinion you should consider adding in the SEO setting an option to activate/disable the automatic meta description and keywords with either an option to:
- Remove them completely (the best option for SEO as Google handles it better by himself in the case of user generated content)
- Use the Joomla default ones
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