By Eric Darling on Saturday, 27 November 2021
Posted in Technical Issues
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The link to "Badges" still appears in the toolbar, even when Badges are disabled everywhere. Is it possible to have this link removed, since it's not applicable in cases where badges are deactivated?
To the OP: I found the switch of the original ED5 toolbar to the new StackIdeas toolbar rather confusing. Are you sure you are changing settings in the correct toolbar area?

I updated to the current 5.0.6 ED package and had to figure out myself that I needed to find the App for the StackIdeas toolbar, download it from the SI site here, and change its settings, which is now a separate module in Joomla.

Not sure if this is related to your problem, but wanted to mention it, as the "Toolbar" settings in the ED component are still there also, and it appears they have nothing to do with the "new SI toolbar"..
Saturday, 04 December 2021 02:35
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After some more digging, I realize that none of the toggles in the settings for the Toolbar have any effect, so it's not just limited to Badges... Perhaps this is a bug with Joomla 4. I'm running the most current version - 4.0.4.
Saturday, 27 November 2021 07:18
0 Votes
Hey there,

Thanks for the report.

I will log this into our issue tracker and see if we can do something about it.

For now, it can be controlled in its settings only as shown in the screenshot.
Monday, 29 November 2021 10:52
0 Votes
That nailed it, thanks. The switches that control the toolbar are now found in the module. You're right - very confusing!
Saturday, 04 December 2021 02:55
0 Votes
Thanks for updating Eric. Just to let you guys know that this will be addressed in the next version of the toolbar module.
Saturday, 04 December 2021 23:12
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Hi Mark, I'm not sure if the SI Toolbar app is included in the full installer for ED5. Like I said above, the switch from the ED5 toolbar to the SI toolbar was confusing and the app is not that easy to find either if you are just using the ED5 package and are not familiar with the App Store you have.

You may want to update the documentation so that it is clear that basically the SI Toolbar is a requirement for ED5 and how to handle the settings, etc.

Another area where I find myself having some challenges is with the decision on how to best show the Account Profile and user activity on the forum in some menu or on the toolbar.

Options are:
- the ED5 notification module with the Post, Notifications and More Settings icons, where the More one takes you to the account details. Looks fine but is a bit non-descriptive and no customization options at all
- creating direct menu links in a module and putting it in a sidebar position. Works fine but not as refined looking and the links do not all have the same behavior. Some will show Forums/My Subscriptions and others will start straight at Notifications, so navigation in the bread crumbs area looks and works differently
- adding the User Profile button in the SI toolbar area to the ED5 toolbar. I do not want to use pictures for avatars, and the User icon then does not correctly show the text avatar there...... I can report this separately as a bug, because I think it one.
- using the EasyDiscuss Welcome module and customizing it so there is no duplication between the menu lines is can show and what the page shows with Posts, Replies, Badges, Favorites and Points History.

I would suggest that the core message here is: please work on providing more customization and sort options for these User Profile choices.

For example, it makes no sense to me that Badges are listed to the left of Favorites, following Posts and Replies.

I think the sort order should be: post activity, so Posts, Replies and Favorites and then "reward activity" as either Badges and Points History or Points History (scored from the post/reply activity shown to its left) and then Badges on the far right as the final conclusion.

Another option is to take Favorites out of this section just as Subscriptions and Notifications are not in here either, and make it stand alone ONLY.

In short, it would be great if the design of these User Profile related things was more flexible and more consistent by default, with display options in Icon form, menu link form and module format, along with Sort options for how an Admin wants to display things on their site.

My 2c!
Sunday, 05 December 2021 02:06
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The Stack Ideas Toolbar will / should be automatically installed when you install the latest version of EasyDiscuss 5.0.6 since we only added the new toolbar module in that release. If you are using an installer older than 5.0.6, the new toolbar is not included.

As for your suggestions with the toolbar, I appreciate your insights and suggestions. However, would it be possible that you post each of the ideas separately on so that we can keep track of these requests?
Sunday, 05 December 2021 16:40
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