By Bernt-Uwe Berwing & Markus Berwing GbR on Friday, 16 December 2022
Posted in General Issues
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Hi there,

we are in final phase to complete our preparations for go-live of our new page with Joomla4 and latest available versions of EasySocial/EasyBlog and PayPlans.

It is not possible to save a profile cover in backend for any user.
Upload works fine and we can see the picture but when we save it and go back to the user profile, the profile cover is blank again.

From frontend we can upload and save the profile cover without issues.

Best regards
Markus Berwing
Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay in this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

I've tested uploading the avatar and cover to this support user account from the backend, it seems to work fine.

Can you share with me which user account having this issue from the backend so we can investigate this issue?
Saturday, 17 December 2022 19:46
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