By Kinetic Media / JoyLaw on Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Posted in EasyBlog
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We've had reports of user's sessions timing out and losing their work.

I did some searching through the HelpDesk and found several posts about AutoSave, but most appear to be from about 3 years ago.

Is AutoSave still in the program and supported?

Is it something users need to toggle on or install or still on be default?

Does it autosave post that have never been saved (i.e. if writing a new post and it takes a while) or only for posts that have already been saved (whether as a draft or published).

And do you have a recommended session time to work with Autosave (to avoid conflicts) or just in general?

PS. I've just caught our licence needs renewing – I'll need to get that renewed on client approval shortly.
Thanks Arlex - I'll look into that side of things too.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 12:38
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May I know how your site blogger lost their work during composing a new blog post?

And yes, the auto-save process will activate it by default in the system, the system will get triggered to auto-save into the draft every 1~2 minute.

You can find the draft post from the backend > Easyblog > Posts > draft

If you are asking for the site user session time, you can configure this from the backend > system > global configuration > system tab > Session Lifetime (set to more than 60 - 1 hour)
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 10:39
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The person was writing (for about 20-30mins from what I had described to me) and then got called away from their computer while at work. She came back 5 mins later and tried to save, I think, and it sounds like the session timed out on her - she had to log back in and it was gone.

There was also several reports from users about 403 errors - one was trying to add a category to an already saved draft and on saving got a 403; another was trying to edit and save the general content on a published post and got a 403; myself, I was trying to add a Link Block and when trying to save was getting hit with a 403 every time. The reason I mention that is that I'm not sure if they're connected to the original AutoSave issue example, perhaps?

I've just tried testing an AutoSave too, with a dummy article, and it looks like it worked there which is great news.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 11:27
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Yup, I guess most likely this is the case (403 error) which caused autosave doesn't work.

In my past experience, this 403 error is coming from your server restricting something to prevent this save process.

Have you activated any security or content-filtering feature on your server? e.g. mod_security

If so, I think you have to contact your Webhosting provider and see why the server returned a 403 error, I believe this can be traced from the mod_security log file so you will know what kind of content prevent saving in the server database since you have tried the autosave with a dummy article then it works fine.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 11:52
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You are most welcome.

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusion in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issues in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding.
Tuesday, 15 November 2022 12:41
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