You figured it out.
Occham's Razor says, "All things being equal, Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best explanation."
Or - "When you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better."
Why didn't I think of that?

My subscription has something to do with the list, but yet I can still post replies in the Easyblog forums.
For some reason I didn't receive the email reply about my subscription for Easyblog being expired until just now. Yet I received the most recent reply on this thread about Hello Randall. Did you see the "Titorials" category under the Easyblg category? Before it. Hum.
I have to laugh at this. Here I thought it was some strange issue, and it was an expired subscription.
I've been so busy with EasySocial and JReviews and creating tutorials that I haven't got around to renewing my subscription. I'll have to do that then.

. It's time to get some sleep.