By LAC Webadmin on Tuesday, 09 June 2015
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Hi There,

The types of form files in administrator/com_easysocial/themes/default/forms/types, I just wish you guys will add a type for Password in case an App would need one. In the text.php file the input type is hard coded as "text", I guess I cannot override that by passing a custom options.

Is there a work around by any chance though?

I am actually creating an App that would need to query from another database and I am adding a login credential fields in the app config JSON file.


Thanks for the heads up on this Jackson, will try to see if we can fit this into 1.4 but if not, we'll push this to 2.0 since we are going to be revamping the custom fields in 2.0
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 00:13
0 Votes
Hi Mark,

Thanks for considering my suggestion no rush, plain text field works fine for now. Good to know we'll be expecting more goodies in 2.0.

I am actually impressed with how you guys designed the theme and Foundry system in ES. I'm trying to built an event component that would fit our weird event system and I'm stuck with design. So I read ES code starting from easysocial.php and I'm impressed, it is so awesome that created my component like your theme and foundry (library) system. I hope that's fine with you Mark Now when I work on both ES code and the component, feels like I'm working in one system. Of course my component is way much simpler than ES and still learning OOP which is a pain coming from procedural background.


Wednesday, 10 June 2015 05:54
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Hello Jackson.

You are welcome and thanks for understanding us. Have a nice day
Wednesday, 10 June 2015 11:51
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