By Gustavo on Sunday, 09 June 2019
Posted in Technical Issues
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A easyblog "word" is untranslateble (I can't find the "constant", the override file doesn't help me).

Do I have to wait a new version of the Easyblog template/component? Or is there another way to do it? And this is not the only word I cannot translate (like the word "Settings" in the toolbar).
Hey there,

This is the language constant for the word Featured COM_EASYBLOG_FEATURED

By the way, I have tested this locally and is working fine for me. Here is the screenshot

But, you can try override it with the constant name i just provided. This is the language constant COM_EASYBLOG_FEATURED you need to override in your backend > Extension > Language > override > filter to your administrator language > click NEW if you need further assistance or you unable to manage to make it work, you can provide us with your site backend and FTP access at so we can better have a check.

(like the word "Settings" in the toolbar)

Can show me a screenshot for these?
Monday, 10 June 2019 12:54
0 Votes
Thank you, it was not necessary to set the "location" as "administrator", but "site". The only thing I had to do was to put the constant "manually", because through the search box I couldn't find it.

On the other hand, I need the constant of "MORE settings". I cannot find the constant through the search box. Is it an error from yours? I need to put it manually, I think, like the previous one, but I need the constant.

This is the image:


P.D.: In case I get the same problem but with another word, how do I find the constant of a word?? in the language file itself??
Monday, 10 June 2019 20:23
0 Votes
Hi there,

On the other hand, I need the constant of "MORE settings". I cannot find the constant through the search box. Is it an error from yours? I need to put it manually, I think, like the previous one, but I need the constant.

We are not really sure for why the joomla language constant search field is not working fine but we guess that since there is a lot of language files there could be a timeout error causing this.

I found that there is no language constant for "More Settings" currently. I will log this issue into the issue tracker to notify our developer. Soon they will fix this. Meanwhile you can try modify the following file:

Change the word "More Settings" to your desired word in the line 273

<div class="o-nav__item is-signin dropdown_" data-original-title="More Settings" data-placement="top" data-eb-provide="tooltip">

P.D.: In case I get the same problem but with another word, how do I find the constant of a word?? in the language file itself??

Since that Joomla language search field is not working, perhaps you can try this alternative way to find these language translation earlier :

1. Download Sublime text editor here then install it.
2. Open these Easyblog .ini language file in Sublime :
- JoomlaFolder/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_easyblog.ini
- JoomlaFolder/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_easyblog.ini

3. Click "Ctrl + F" then find those translation word directory e.g.

Keep us update if unable to find the language translation word form these 2 .ini files.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 11:02
0 Votes
One last question: if I do that change, it will be return to its original English word in the next update of Easyblog??
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 13:23
0 Votes
Hi there,

Yes, it will return to English translation word. I will update you what is the final language constant for translate this once our developer fix this in locally so you can able to override this into Joomla language override section to prevent this happen after update to next version
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 15:30
0 Votes
Thank you! Then I will wait for your notification. I want to have the best website, and I'm thinking of buying the Forum extension. Thank you very much, again!
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 16:18
0 Votes
Hi there,

Our developer have fixed this and here is the final language constant for the word "More Settings" COM_EB_TOOLBAR_MORE_SETTINGS

You can override this into Joomla language override section so after the update of EasyBlog you no need to worry about this . But, until next update the site will rely on the change you made manually in the file JoomlaFolder/components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/toolbar/default.php So please keep this change for now until the next update.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 16:57
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Thank you!
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 17:06
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Hi there,

You are most welcome Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved now

Just for your information, I have locked and marked this thread as resolved to avoid confusions in the future. Please start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiries.

Thanks for understanding.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019 19:09
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