The component was updated a couple of days ago, today i noticed all videos linked on the front end result in an error message being displayed, where all videos should be displayed.
This is my current IP address , can you update your site FTP access as well?
And provide us that video page URL which showing this error so we can better have a check.
Thanks for the quick reply, but as usual I've found the issue and have found the solution.
Should any one else encounter similar, here's how I resolved it.
In the apps options, I selected all categories in the permissions box, (see screenshot), as soon as I enabled these, all videos displayed correctly on the site front end.
It's going to cause a problem the very next occasion when a user creates a new group.
I find if I remove the highlight from all categories, the 500 error reappears!
Definitely a bug in the most recent update. Hopefully addressed in the next bug-fix release.
That is not known issue for the current release, perhaps you can whitelist my current IP address and provide us with your FTP details so we can better have a check?