Hi Muhammad,
apologies for delay replying to this (I was sidetracked with other work).
I am trying to add the code you suggested to my OS Property Agent Details page. The idea being that visitors click on the link to view the Agent's EasySocial profile page, or clicks on a second link to open the EasySocial message composer that relates to the Agent's account. I basically want EasySocial as my main communication and profile management and not use the one included with OS Property so it is consistent for my users.
Is there any kind of example we can work from that shows how to integrate these kinds of things with other 3rd party components?
I am not quite sure if I add all your code as a block in the area where their contact details are on OS Property, or whether I am supposed to put the first line somewhere else? (see rows 100 - 107 below):
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');
This is my OS Property agentdetails.php file I am trying to edit:
<div class="componentheading">
<?php echo $agent->name?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="span2">
if(($agent->photo != "") and ($configClass['show_agent_image'] == 1)){
<img src='<?php echo JURI::root()?>images/osproperty/agent/<?php echo $agent->photo?>' border="0" />
<img src='<?php echo JURI::root()?>components/com_osproperty/images/assets/noimage.jpg' border="0" />
<div class="span5">
<?php echo $agent->name?>
if($configClass['enable_report'] == 1){
$translatable = JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled() && count($languages);
$language = Jfactory::getLanguage();
$language = $language->getTag();
$language = explode("-",$language);
$langfolder = $language[0];
$report_image = JURI::root()."components/com_osproperty/images/assets/".$langfolder."/report.png";
$report_image = JURI::root()."components/com_osproperty/images/assets/report.png";
$report_image = JURI::root()."components/com_osproperty/images/assets/report.png";
<a href="<?php echo JURI::root()?>index.php?option=com_osproperty&tmpl=component&task=property_reportForm&item_type=1&id=<?php echo $agent->id?>" class="osmodal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 350, y: 600}}" title="<?php echo JText::_('OS_REPORT_AGENT');?>">
<img src="<?php echo $report_image?>" border="0">
<BR />
if($agent->company_name != ""){
<?php echo JText::_('OS_COMPANY');?>:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_osproperty&task=company_info&id='.$agent->company_id.'&Itemid='.OSPRoute::getCompanyItemid())?>">
<?php echo $agent->company_name;?>
<BR />
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_phone'] == 1) and ($agent->phone != "")){
<div class="agent_phone">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('OS_PHONE')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->phone;?>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_mobile'] == 1) and ($agent->mobile != "")){
<div class="agent_mobile">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('OS_MOBILE')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->mobile;?>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_fax'] == 1) and ($agent->fax != "")){
<div class="agent_fax">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('OS_FAX')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->fax;?></a>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_email'] == 1) and ($agent->email != "")){
<div class="agent_email">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('OS_EMAIL')?>:</strong> <a href="mailto:<?php echo $agent->email;?>"><?php echo $agent->email;?></a>
<BR />
require_once(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easysocial/includes/foundry.php');
// If you have an id, pass it as an argument
$my = FD::user();
// $my = FD::user($id);
?><a href="/<?php echo $my->getPermalink();?>"><?php echo $my->getName();?></a></div></br>
if(($configClass['show_agent_skype'] == 1) and ($agent->skype != "")){
<div class="agent_skype">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('Skype')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->skype;?>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_msn'] == 1) and ($agent->msn != "")){
<div class="agent_msn">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('MSN')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->msn;?>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_gtalk'] == 1) and ($agent->gtalk != "")){
<div class="agent_gtalk">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('GTalk')?>:</strong> <?php echo $agent->gtalk;?>
<BR />
if(($configClass['show_agent_facebook'] == 1) and ($agent->facebook != "")){
<div class="agent_facebook">
<strong><?php echo JText::_('Facebook')?>:</strong> <a href="<?php echo $agent->facebook;?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $agent->facebook;?></a>
<BR />
<div class="span4">
if($configClass['show_agent_address'] == 1){
$address = OSPHelper::generateAddress($agent);
if($address != ""){
echo "<span style='font-size:11px;'>".JText::_('OS_ADDRESS').": ".$address."</span>";
echo "<BR /><BR />";
if($configClass['show_agent_contact'] == 1){
<!--<a href=""><?php echo JText::_('OS_CONTACT_AGENT')?></a> -->
if(($configClass['show_license'] == 1) and ($agent->license != "")){
echo "<strong>".JText::_('OS_LICENSE').": </strong>";
echo $agent->license;
if(($configClass['show_company_details'] == 1) and ($agent->company_id > 0)){
echo "<strong>".JText::_('OS_COMPANY').": </strong>";
$link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_osproperty&task=company_info&id='.$agent->company_id.'&Itemid='.OSPRoute::getCompanyItemid());
<span class="hasTip" title="<img src="<?php echo $agent->company_photo;?>" alt="<?php echo str_replace("'","",$agent->company_name);?>" width="100" />">
<i class="osicon-camera"></i>
echo "<a href='".$link."' title='".$agent->company_name."'>".$agent->company_name."</a>";
<div class="clearfix"></div>
$bio = OSPHelper::getLanguageFieldValue($agent,'bio');
if($bio != ""){
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12">
echo stripslashes($bio);
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<?php } ?>