By Antonio ferrara on Saturday, 05 November 2016
Posted in General Issues
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Hello there,

I noticed in activity log (see attachment) when I add a ads in dj-classified it show the new advert.

The problem is not the code which is correct, the problem is the browser that read it as plain text and not in html .

Any suggestion to overcome the problem ?

Best Regard Antonio
You would need to contact DJ-Extensions to update their app as I believe their app isn't updated yet.
Saturday, 05 November 2016 16:20
0 Votes
Hello there ,

I did get in contact with djclassified and it could be what you are saying ... but why then on a test after updating to version 2 is working fine in html.. without doing any other changes?

see attachment.

Best Regards
Saturday, 05 November 2016 20:00
0 Votes
Hi there,

but why then on a test after updating to version 2 is working fine in html.. without doing any other changes?

I am a bit lost here actually. What did you meant by your statement above? i have check on your site, and it seems that it reflecting correctly as shown .Please advice.
Monday, 07 November 2016 11:51
0 Votes
Hello there,

the specific area I am talking is the "activity log" and as you can see from the previous posted image I made a comparison of the activity log.

I agree you see the product properly, but why then in the log activity is shown in html code in version 1.4.12 while the same site updated 2.0.2 show correct (talking about the Activity Log area) .

Best Regards Antonio
Monday, 07 November 2016 15:23
0 Votes
Hi there,

I agree you see the product properly, but why then in the log activity is shown in html code in version 1.4.12 while the same site updated 2.0.2 show correct (talking about the Activity Log area) .

It is because of the compatibility of the apps itself with ES2.0. This is because of our major changes in EasySocial2.0, it seems that most of the apps is not compatibility especially 3rd party apps and need to be update/upgraded.

And there are still some teething issue especially with 3rd party compatibility but we are trying our best to push these developers to get their apps updated as soon as possible and for your information, we have already sent out a newsletter to 3rd party developers on mid of September 2016 regarding compatibility of their apps with our EasySocial2.0.

And, if the apps is working with our EasySocial2.0, most likely those apps is not compatible anymore with EasySocial 1.4 as this also happen to our own apps that is blog and discuss app as you can see at We need to update/upgrade in order for them to be compatible with EasySocial2.0 and i believe you should consult with DJ-Extensions service provider in order for them to be compatible to use based on your EasySocial versions.

Thanks for your understandings.
Monday, 07 November 2016 16:05
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