Thks Raymond
hmmm yes a bit confusing how to make this work flexible with EB 6.0.2 settings for a specific blog created visability.
I mean "..set up a blog post(s) for a certain Joomla (ACL) user group(s)?" also.
So what I mean is if a user can make one blog post and that that user can override all the ACL permission settings with the blog that the users write. So the site owner and blog user blog reflect Joomla groups permission visability also.
So Raymond what I want to achive is that the blog creater can to set up a certain blog ( one blog ) to a certain blog user group(s) also setting. And that override the EB category settings for special AC settings for that only blog.
Now a blog creator can set up a blog setting visability for "Visability" ie Everyone, Register users, My friends, Only me" with no relation to any Joomla user group(s) but that is only controlled by EB blog categories - Joomla ACL group(s).
Maybe you can make it work also with EB categories settings + Joomla ACL user groups visability?
Similar like it work for the blog creator to set up Notifications for the blog (Joomla ACL user groups) but also with considerations of EB categories settings.
Hope that clarifies..maybe its not a good workable idea
what you think?