By Kiwimaster on Saturday, 16 May 2015
Posted in General Issues
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Has Stackideas stopped the development of EasyDiscuss?
For more than a year now all we have seen are minor updates containing bugfixes.
There does not seem to be any roadmap, plan or any other activity around the product.

Please can you provide some ideas of what you are going to do with the product and what we can expect going forward.
As it stands I can't see any reason to renew my subscription. I see free products which are more actively supported than EasyDiscuss
Hello Marc,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here. The development for EasyDiscuss hasn't stopped and we are working on some cool stuffs for EasyDiscuss internally. However, it's probably not as fast as our main product, EasyBlog and EasySocial because most of the dev's are working on this 2 extensions.
Sunday, 17 May 2015 03:29
0 Votes
Seems a bit of a strange answer.
Most users will require support in the first month or so of acquiring a new product. Thereafter little support is needed.
However, we don't mind paying for a "support" plan if we know that we will also be giving regular updates and new versions or improved functionality.
However, as per my earlier post, there still doesn't seem to be any indication of an update, an improvement or any other new functionality.
What you are saying is that my $79 renewal basically buys me support for a product for which I have already had running for a year.
So why renew at all?
Sunday, 07 June 2015 18:34
0 Votes
Am also frustrated to see the slow pace of development for ED compared to the other products. While I think it it fair and reasonable to devote more resources to the flagship products, I think ED is being neglected too much.
Sunday, 07 June 2015 19:58
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Hi guys,

Thank you for your responses. Justin, here, from Stack Ideas' marketing team. I understand the frustration that you have towards EasyDiscuss. As Mark have informed, we're putting a little extra effort of EasyBlog 5 and EasySocial 1.4 as we're aiming on releasing these two products first while EasyDiscuss' plans are being developed slowly. Once both EasyBlog 5 and EasySocial 1.4 sees the light of days, we will push on EasyDiscuss' development.

Though you can opt to withheld your EasyDiscuss' renewal, by renewing you will support our team so that we can develop better. Currently the Stack Ideas teams are working day and night to ensure that we deliver the best product for our users.

Should you have any other inquiries, do pen down your thoughts here or you can directly contact our Marketing team via our CRM. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your continuous support.
Monday, 08 June 2015 16:44
0 Votes

From your latest news......
we are almost done with EasyBlog 5 now and the entire team will now be focusing on EasySocial 1.4 and EasySocial 2.0

So again, where does that leave us with EasyDiscuss? On the backburner again!
Another month gone by and still no news, not even a roadmap or concept discussion.

I'm not sure how you can say by renewing our subscriptions were are helping to ensure quality products.
Currently the Stack Ideas teams are working day and night to ensure that we deliver the best product for our users

I'm a customer and user and I can't see how I'm getting the best product if my support money is being used to fund the development of products I don't use, whilst nothing is being done to develop the products I do use.
I'm definitely no longer a happy Stackideas customer
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 04:41
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Hi Marc,

Thank you for sharing your insight. I apologize for the slow update on EasyDiscuss, we're putting extra focus on EasySocial as it's one of the main component that awaits releases; the development of EasySocial started in-parallel with the development of EasyBlog 5. EasyDiscuss's development goes through a slow phase as we're pushing out EasySocial due to the fact that EasySocial is a little bit behind schedule.

I understand your concern, and I humbly suggest for you to write to our team via our CRM; I believe the might be able to help you out.

Thank you for your kind patience and support.
Tuesday, 07 July 2015 14:39
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