By Sabih on Monday, 07 September 2015
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I am trying to replace the smileys with my own ones but I am confused. In EasySocial I found emoticons in media/com_easysocial/images/emoticons but these are different from the one I see on the frontend.

Same happens to EasyDiscuss. I found emoticons in media/com_easydiscuss/images/emoticons but they are also different from the frontend.

The overriding does not work at all. I now got different smileys, the ones to select inside the status box of EasySocial and the ones that come up when posting the keys of smileys and both are different. But I want my own set for both.

Where can I put my own smileys to replace the ones from EasyDiscuss and EasySocial?
Hey Sabih,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply, we might have missed your post earlier. The "mood" emoticons are actually different than the emoticons used in the "content". This was done in purpose to differentiate between moods and icons.

Most of this will be addressed in 1.4 as we are now standardizing the emoticons
Friday, 11 September 2015 02:15
0 Votes
Hi there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it weekends for all of us here.

The emoticon for easysocial is located at /media/com_easysocial/images/icons/icons-emo.png while easydiscuss you can find the emoticon at /media/com_easydiscuss/images/markitup/ folder.
Monday, 07 September 2015 11:33
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Thank you for your response, but I am even more confused now.

In EasySocial, the file you told me is just one image with all the smileys side by side?! How shall I replace single ones and delete unwanted? In addition there are other ones when typed in the stream:

The first one is typed by hand and the other one selected from emoticons. This looks very unprofessional having two different sets of smileys side by side.

How can I change the size of the smileys? 16x16 is way too small for a forum, I need 20x20 at least but if I upload 20x20 smileys, they get cropped to 16x16.
Tuesday, 08 September 2015 08:05
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Sorry for go on posting here after solution is more or less made already. But I found out modifying the smileys but I ask myself how to add more smileys. I run a community for women only and they beg like crazy for more smileys. xD

I think probably there must be the function that posting the *:*)* inside the stream (without stars) brings up the smiling smiley. It should be possible to add other ones probably if I know in which file.
Friday, 02 October 2015 06:31
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Hello Sabih,

It is actually converted to smiley image when viewing the stream, not the saving part. You can see this file how Easysocial translate the emoticon: ../administrator/components/com_easysocial/includes/bbcode/adapters/decoda/library/hooks/EmoticonHook.php. Hope this helps.
Friday, 02 October 2015 18:39
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