By Santiago on Thursday, 23 July 2020
Posted in General Issues
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Buen dia,
Con referencia a la aplicación JReviews.
He leído que "En la integración JReview de Payplans, cuando la suscripción del usuario caduque, toda la lista relacionada de jreview creada por el usuario (según la restricción de la aplicación) no se publicará automáticamente." (

Entiendo que al caducar la suscripción las listas del usuario no se publican.
Tengo este escenario:
- Suscripciones a Plan gratis de por vida.(1 imagen)
- Suscripción de pago. (5 imágenes)

Al vencer la suscripción de pago (con 5 imágenes) puedo configurar una "Asignación automatizada" que se asigne un plan gratis y de esta manera se mantiene el la publicacion pero con 1 imagen? (plan gratis)
Esto es posible?


Good day,
With reference to the JReviews application.
I have read that "In Payplans JReview integration, when user subscription expires, all related user-created jreview list (per app restriction) will not be published automatically." (

I understand that upon expiration of the subscription the user's lists are not published.
I have this scenario:
- Free subscriptions to Plan for life. (1 image)
- Payment subscription. (5 images)

When the paid subscription expires (with 5 images) can I configure an "Automated Assignment" to assign a free plan and in this way the publication is maintained but with 1 image? (free plan)
This is possible?
Hey Santigo,

Using PayPlans Automated Plan Assignment app you can assign Free plan to user on the expiration of paid plan.
Check here :
In this app, you just need to setup "Subscription set on Expired" field only.

But this will apply restriction to 1 image when user try to submit any listing. It will not create any imapct on viewing of images of already created listing, meaning to say you want to maintain the publishing of listing with only 1 image which is not possible.

Let me know if you have any confusion.
Friday, 24 July 2020 12:47
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