By Gilles on Friday, 12 February 2016
Posted in General Issues
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Hi guys,

We want the "new blog" email notifications to show only an excerpt so we add a "read more" in the post.
However, when the user goes to the blog entry by pressing the "read more" (or whichever button will be displayed in the email notification), we want the full post to be displayed.

How can we accomplish this?
Hi there,

Sorry but I don't quite get you here. Do you want user to read full post in you blog or email preview?
By default if user receive email for new post blog and if click on "view post" it will show full blog post.
see my screenshot:
Friday, 12 February 2016 12:34
0 Votes
Thanks Jasnin,
Great info! thanks!

Yes, I want to have a readmore in the email but view the full post when they click on this link. I'm glad to hear that it works this way by default.
I now have two other related questions...

1. In the blog post, How do we add (...) at the end of the last word before the "read more" to make it obvious their is more to read?

2. Is there a way to move the "continue reading" (screenshot) above the FB like and share? it shouldn't be separated from the article as it is shown here. The ReadMore button should immediately follow the location of the post's ReadMore

3. The "Blog" menu item is a EB "frontpage" type menu. Is it possible to display the first blog entry (newest blog) in its entirety regardless of it having a ReadMore? (when using our Blog menu item) Note: on the live site, until we figure this out, we currently do not have the Readmore in the post as we want visitors to view the full article when clicking on the Blog menu item)

I look forward to your answers,
Friday, 12 February 2016 20:46
0 Votes

1. In the blog post, How do we add (...) at the end of the last word before the "read more" to make it obvious their is more to read?

If you are relying on the automated truncation, this should be enabled by default. Ensure that the option "Add ellipses after truncation" is enabled in Settings > Layout > Truncation

2. Is there a way to move the "continue reading" (screenshot) above the FB like and share? it shouldn't be separated from the article as it is shown here. The ReadMore button should immediately follow the location of the post's ReadMore

You will need to customize the theme file in /components/com_easyblog/themes/wireframe/blogs/latest/default.main.php

3. The "Blog" menu item is a EB "frontpage" type menu. Is it possible to display the first blog entry (newest blog) in its entirety regardless of it having a ReadMore? (when using our Blog menu item) Note: on the live site, until we figure this out, we currently do not have the Readmore in the post as we want visitors to view the full article when clicking on the Blog menu item)

No, this is not possible.
Saturday, 13 February 2016 22:50
0 Votes
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply ... I had missed it.
In the email notification for the posting of a new post, when the post has a "readmore", I believe the button to view the post is "View Post" or something like this.
Because the truncation in notifications does not insert ellipses, it is possible the recipient will not click on the button thinking the entire post is seen in the email. Not ideal.

Where can we change the button text to "Read the full post" or something similar, as seen with other blogging services?
Friday, 04 March 2016 00:39
0 Votes
hey Gilles,

I am sorry for the delay of this reply,

By default, this notification ellipses already work in existing system.

Ensure that you have turn on this truncation setting from the notification section > backend > easyblog > settings > notifications > Blog tab > Truncate blog content - YES

If you would like modify that button translation word, you can modify in this language file JoomlaFolder/language\en-GB\en-GB.com_easyblog.ini
[code type="markup"]COM_EASYBLOG_NOTIFICATION_READ_MORE="View post
Friday, 04 March 2016 12:33
0 Votes
Thanks Arlex,
I will change the language file for the button. thank you.

Re: ellipses:
I wasn't clear enough about the ellipses: For the readmore... the solution you provided is dependant on us turning on "truncation by character count". However, we want to use the individual post's READ MORE feature for excerpts. This allows us more control.
When we use this, there are no ellipses in the notification.
Back to you.
Friday, 04 March 2016 19:50
0 Votes
Hey there,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here.

You're welcome. Actually I am not quite sure I understand as you mentioned "we want to use the individual post's READ MORE feature for excerpts. This allows us more control."

Perhaps you can provide us some of the screenshot which read more result you expected? Because I afraid that when we talk about that "ellipses" is different thing.
Saturday, 05 March 2016 14:15
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