By Scott Groves on Monday, 06 July 2015
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I belong to several template and extention package sites and most have taken a new model for developers who like me will be around for decades.
I have taken both companies offer of a reduced Lifetimer package for All products i subscribe to which provide lifetime upgrade and ticket/forum support for items previously purchased. ...... FOREVER (and they offer all new products for free
This gives me great mind at ease several times of year when normal subscriptions are due for a product that i would normally renew.(at a very large price unless renewing)
with the advent of Lifetime licenses this will now be the last renewal of ANY stackideas product and I will mow leave it with customers wanting these products to pay the bill
Its a sad day to say goodby to an excellent company but with the many options they have it is now confusing for me and the end customer to make charging and renewing easy.

A good example of the new Lifetime regime is the joomlashine developer options
One large developer payment in many upcoming extention and development models is going to price stackideas out of the high end market

I count 11 other companies using this new scheme for their HIGH end Developers. all other users use your standard model

is this goodbye?
Hi Scott,

Thank you for your inquiry. My name is Justin and I am a member of Stack Ideas' marketing team. I'll assist you with your inquiry for today.

I understand that there are Joomla developers out there that implies the "one-time-purchase-gets-all-update" plan. However, from my experience, nearly all of the developers that apply such packages are actually template clubs. I rarely come across any extension developers that provides a one-time fee for their product; my personal experience is that the ones that do offer will usually have a slower support response time as compare to Stack Ideas.

Renewals will not only provide some support to the support team (hey, they need support, too! ), it will also support the developers in developing new features on the component.

I hope my answer clears things up. Should you have any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to send us a ticket via our CRM or you can directly email me at justin [at] stack ideas [dot] com.
Monday, 06 July 2015 12:37
0 Votes
"One time fee" ....... im not talking a small fee .... im talking a HUGE fee for anything lifetime ie $1000 plus for ALL products

yes you are correct ..... most are template plans. My site is NOT a template plan and we have made more profit from Lifetime members since 1998 than "normal" members ..... it all depends on your tier structure and I think stackideas tier structure is based in the early 2000's and is NOT what the customer wants now in 2020
For example .... lil old me. I wanted to try Stackidea products but the cost of further upkeep of those products has mad me scrub it from my "must have" list and relegated your company to the rubbish bin.
I dont mind paying $1000+ for the knowledge I will always have updates and support for my customers for the rest of your products lives (say a tier above developer) but the 3 customers I proposed Easy-blog Easy-social for their sites were aghast at the price I would have to charge to keep these components updated so pulled the plug and went for cheaper GNU options which DO NOT have the bells and whistles of your great products though .

Which means I have to leave stackideas and not renew or use the products ever again ....... all over a simple old world tier model for software
How many customers do you loose a year who purchase and do not renew? .... I know you cant let this info out but I bet its not good

All I ask is during ya next managerial ass licking please have a thought for your structure and developers like me you LOOSE FOR LIFE and how you may keep them ..... for im going to tell 10 developers .... and they are going to tell .......

Sunday, 12 July 2015 09:21
0 Votes
Hi Scott,

Thank you for your rich input. Now I get what you truly mean.

I will seriously bring this forth to my superior and we'll discuss further about the possibility of having a lifetime plan. The idea of having a one-time-payment is actually something that falls outside of our business plans; hence we need to take all of the numbers and figures into consideration before we can add up the plan.

Currently, we build the Developers plan in order to help developers (hence the priority support on an unlimited domain or 5 domains).

Again, I thank you for your input. Perhaps we can talk about this further via a more secure channel? You can reach the Marketing team directly by sending us a ticket via our CRM. Let's talk and exchange ideas over there, shall we?
Monday, 13 July 2015 11:24
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