By Sean Carney on Wednesday, 12 September 2018
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I am experimenting now with the Charm template and am pretty pleased with it. I will be switching to it soon. This site is my sandbox: where I am copying the content from

If you look at my site the language strings are displaying.

I did notice that I can simply remove these language strings from within the template itself but I was thinking that if I could use actual language strings that would be great for the future when I hope to add some other languages.

I added language string over rides for CHARM_TPL and CHARM_TPL_SLOGAN but they did not display. So, My question is whether the language strings are supposed to be working.

I am assuming at this point that I need to something more to add the language strings to the system?

Thanks, Sean
Hey Sean,

This is probably because the language file wasn't copied over but you can download the attached file and upload it into /language/en-GB/ and that should do the trick.

Having said that, I think you would also need to update the site title in the template so that it states your site name,
Wednesday, 12 September 2018 23:35
0 Votes
Thank you Mark,

I found that the file you provided was already there. So, maybe I was just not understanding. I knew that I could easily change the Site Title in the Template but when I saw that it already had a language string in it by default, I assumed the language string was supposed to be used.

Interestingly enough the language strings were not being seen by the Joomla Languages Overrides because they did not show up when I searched for them as a Constant. After replacing the existing en-GB.tpl_charm.ini file you provided, I am now seeing the language strings show up when I do searches for them.

This still makes me think that the language strings you provided in the template are supposed to work. But, I can certainly just replace them with my own strings. However, that will be a LOT of strings that I replace. The language strings idea seems great to me because it would be easy to translate later.

Thursday, 13 September 2018 00:59
0 Votes
Yes, when you add any language override translation from your site backend here , it will automatically stored into this override language .ini file

JoomlaFolder/language/overrides/en-GB.override.ini (base on your site language)
JoomlaFolder/administrator/language/overrides/en-GB.override.ini (base on your admin language)

Keep us update if you need any further assistance on this.
Thursday, 13 September 2018 12:48
0 Votes
OK. Thank you very much,

So, I do have one more question about this which is that I am wondering why you placed the language strings into the fields in the Helix Ultimate Template in the Basic->Logo Text and logo Slogan fields?

I assumed you placed those there expecting them to be picked up by the system and then to display the text strings?

If that is the case, then mine did not work.

BTW, I have changed my Site Details now to match this test site.
Thursday, 13 September 2018 21:42
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Hey there,

We are able to replicate it and it is a bug.

For a quick fix, you can just download my attached logo.php and replace it at JoomlaFolder/templates/charm/features/logo.php.

Can you have a try and see how it goes?

I will log this into our issue tracker.
Friday, 14 September 2018 11:33
0 Votes
Thank you. That fixed the problem. I hope you can add it to the download. :-)

Saturday, 15 September 2018 05:54
0 Votes
Hi there,

You are most welcome.

As a gentle reminder, kindly start a new thread if you have any other issue in the future so it will be easier for us to manage your inquiry. I will lock and mark this thread as resolved.
Saturday, 15 September 2018 09:42
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