By T.S. on Monday, 01 July 2019
Posted in Technical Issues
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Hi i like to add some check boxes which the user has to acknowledge to be able to post.
like the terms and condition one.

how can i solves my issue ? or is there any how to already which i did not found.

thank u.
Hi there,

You should be able to configure them here Can you give it a try and see how it goes.
Monday, 01 July 2019 18:10
0 Votes
Thank you for answer, but i know how to edit the terms and conditions. that's not what i meant.

I like to add some check boxes :

See picture
Monday, 01 July 2019 18:36
0 Votes
Hi there,

Sorry for confusion caused.

If you wanted to add another check boxes, it will required you to do quite a modification in order to achieve this. To modify them, you can add them accordingly on listed files below.

Theme files

Core files

For your informations, we can do template override for out theme files as you can refer here but not our core files. If you done some changes on the core files, it would be best if you can do backup on that files and replace them on your next Komento's update/upgrade.

Or maybe you can try to use Recaptcha instead as you can see here Please give it a try and see how it goes.
Monday, 01 July 2019 18:54
0 Votes
Well, it would be nice to have this build in by the developers.

in germany we need to have more check boxes because of the gdpr. it is required by law, that the user has to
agree to:

terms and conditons > checkbox
i agree that [....] > checkbox
i agree that [...] > checkbox

So it would be nice to be able to have that in the settings > layout > editor setting and not that I have to change the code for that.
Monday, 01 July 2019 19:50
0 Votes
Hello T.S,

I am not too sure which policy are you referring to but we have discussed this with many of our EU customers (please correct me if I am wrong) and GDPR does not dictate that you need to have 3 checkboxes. GDPR simply dictates that:

1. The user has to agree to the terms and conditions that are set on the site before you decide to store any cookies on the web browser until the user agrees to (Which is not related to Komento)

2. When the user is posting a comment, you must have a checkbox indicating that they have to agree at the terms and conditions set before posting the comment (Which is related to Komento and Komento does already render a checkbox for this)

3. The user must be able to request the data that you have stored about them (Which is related to Komento and Komento does already support this by allowing users to download their data)

Am I missing anything here?
Monday, 01 July 2019 23:01
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