By nima on Saturday, 12 March 2016
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hi friends .
i create a component and i want to integrate it with kommento , i do what kommento cods say ,
it comes in backend , but in frontend , nothing is show . what can i do?
here is my code : my component name is com_nava

defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// Always load abstract class
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/abstract.php');
class KomentoComNava extends KomentoExtension
public $_item;
public $_map = array(
'id' => 'id',
'title' => 'title',
'hits' => 'hits',
'created_by' => 'created_by',
'catid' => 'catid',
'permalink' => 'permalink'

public function __construct( $component )
$this->addFile( JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_nava' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'route.php' );

parent::__construct( $component );

public function load( $cid )
static $instances = array();

if( !isset( $instances[$cid] ) )
$db = Komento::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT a.`id` AS `id`, a.`name` AS `title`, a.`alias`, c.`id` AS `catid` a.`hits` AS `hits` , '
. ' c.`title` AS category_title, c.`alias` AS category_alias,'
. ' FROM ' . $db->nameQuote( '#__nava_navaitems') . ' AS a'
. ' INNER JOIN ' . $db->nameQuote( '#__categories' ) . ' AS c ON b.`id` = c.`id`'
. ' LEFT JOIN ' . $db->nameQuote( '#__users') . ' AS u ON = a.`user_id`'
. ' WHERE a.`link_id` = ' . $db->quote( (int) $cid );
$db->setQuery( $query );

if( !$this->_item = $db->loadObject() )
return $this->onLoadArticleError( $cid );

$link = 'index.php?option=com_nava&task=article&id=' . $this->_item->id;
$this->_item->permalink = $this->prepareLink( $link );

$instances[$cid] = $this->_item;

$this->_item = $instances[$cid];

return $this;

public function getContentIds( $categories = '' )
$db = Komento::getDBO();
$query = '';

if( empty( $categories ) )
$query = 'SELECT `id` FROM ' . $db->nameQuote( '#__content' ) . ' ORDER BY `id`';
if( is_array( $categories ) )
$categories = implode( ',', $categories );

$query = 'SELECT `id` FROM ' . $db->nameQuote( '#__content' ) . ' WHERE `catid` IN (' . $categories . ') ORDER BY `id`';

$db->setQuery( $query );
return $db->loadResultArray();

public function getCategories()
$db = Komento::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT a.`id` AS `id`, a.`title` AS `title` , a.`parent_id` AS `parent_id`'
. ' FROM `#__categories` AS a'
. ' ORDER BY a.`lft`';

$db->setQuery( $query );
$categories = $db->loadObjectList();

$children = array();

foreach( $categories as $row )
if( $row->parent_id != -1 )
$pt = $row->parent_id;
$list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array();
$list[] = $row;
$children[$pt] = $list;

$res = JHTML::_( 'menu.treerecurse', 0 , '', array(), $children , 9999, 0, 0 );

return $res;

public function isListingView()
return false;

public function isEntryView()
return JRequest::getCmd('task') == 'viewlink';

public function onExecute( &$article, $html, $view, $options = array() )
if( $view == 'entry' )
return $html;

public function getEventTrigger()
$entryTrigger = ( Komento::joomlaVersion() > '1.5' ) ? 'onContentAfterDisplay' : 'onAfterDisplayContent';

return $entryTrigger;

public function getAuthorName()
return $this->_item->created_by_alias ? $this->_item->created_by_alias : $this->_item->author;


Hey there,

I am really sorry but unfortunately we do not provide support for integration unless you have an active subscription. Having said that, please take a look at the method "onExecute" and "isEntryView".
Sunday, 13 March 2016 13:15
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