By Dan Cote on Friday, 29 July 2016
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Easysocial already allows for the earning of points through social actions. What if you could earn points through social actions such as visiting a real world location that would be set at a latitude and longitude. I'm sure this beyond want can be integrated in Easysocial, this would require a downloadable app. I see that Layar App has a Geo Layers feature. I'm wondering if there is anyway to interface between an AR app and have the user earn points by visiting a location and have that rule be connected into the Easysocial system. Or might you have suggestions for AR development apps that would allow me as a web developer to somehow connect my database of Geocoded locations be applied to the real world....and have the user earn points and have those points recorded in Easysocial. I know this is a complex idea. I'm reaching out to see if you have any ideas on how I could accomplish this.


Dan Cote
Hello Dan,

This is s a pretty good idea but not really sure how would this work with the web. Since EasySocial has an API that you could generate points, you could build your mobile app to assign points to user when they visit specific locations.
Saturday, 30 July 2016 12:56
0 Votes
Great Dan!

This sounds interesting if you could connect EasySocial users so they could earn points through social actions such as visiting a real world location.

It would be interesting to know how you make this work with EasySocial (Alta/Alpha/EasySocial UserPoints rules etc)
Sunday, 31 July 2016 15:24
0 Votes
Thanks for heading up on this ssnobben
Monday, 01 August 2016 10:54
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