By Altitudes on Friday, 27 March 2015
Posted in Technical Issues
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In EasySocial Login Module, when you modify the "Remember Me Style" option, nothing is changed...

BTW, this option would be really interesting if it was also available in the module EasySocial Log Box, and of course in the main login form of ES (through a setting).

I'll tell you why I think this is important to be able to set the Remember Me checked by default: unfortunately, when a user gets a notification mail and clicks on the link in it, if he was not logged in to ES and logs in, he is redirected to his Dashboard instead of the item he was notified for.
Having the Remember Me checked by default will minimize the risk that he was not logged in...

Of course, having ES to redirect the user properly after login would be even better, but that's another story... And for now my request is just about the Remember Me checkbox.

Hi Altitudes and Alex,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is a weekend for us here and misunderstood in your previous reply,

Can you download my attachment file and replace in JoomlaFolder\modules\mod_easysocial_login\tmpl\default_vertical.php and see how it goes?
Saturday, 28 March 2015 12:13
0 Votes
Hi Altitudes,

Actually this "Remember Me Style" is follow your Joomla session one,

I've checked in your site, it seems like you set your "Session Lifetime" in your site is around 30 minute.

Can you give it try again after I set "Session Lifetime" to 999 is it the current logged in user still facing auto logout?
Friday, 27 March 2015 16:36
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Not sure you got it. The "Remember Me Style" option in the module can be set to "Visible and Checked" (for example) which means that when the module is displayed to a visitor, the "Remember Me" option should be checked by default. Today it is not.
For your understanding, if "Remember Me" option is checked by the user at login, Joomla Session Lifetime has no effect.

Can you please read my first message again with this explanation in mind?

Friday, 27 March 2015 17:12
0 Votes
I can confirm this is not passing the variable into the frontend, keeps logging me out.
Saturday, 28 March 2015 00:20
0 Votes
Thank you, this is working fine.

Any hope that we get this same "Remember Me Style" option in the main login form of ES (through a setting)?
Saturday, 28 March 2015 17:15
0 Votes
To be honest, I am always against all these settings because these settings are always the cause to software bloat-ness and of course, it makes maintenance a living hell because you need to ensure that all these also respect these settings.

Can you imagine if your car manufacturer asks you what nut, bolts, steel, tyre, led brand should be used for your car chassis? You will end up not buying the car

Yes, I truly understand that some users would prefer the ability to change this via settings rather than customizing the theme file but hey, if everything is going to be in the settings, then why would end users hire you as a developer We played our part and you should play yours too.
Monday, 30 March 2015 02:05
0 Votes

When you add a feature to control users within Joomla you should really support the basic features, the auto select option is available on 90% of login modules. You have created a login module for ES and a simple on or off setting with a default to off surely cannot do any harm.

You added the option for users to login with your system and i am getting told by many of my members they hate having to login every time they visit the website, lets take the lock down mode again implemented by you. If my members visit 6-7 times a day which they do, it becomes a very tedious task logging in ALL the time. Most users are lazy!!!

On the customizing the theme file, Mark there is already enough of that for simple features which should be apart of the core, we don't need any more, that is why i pay you for ES, you know my views on that already

Now onto to your car example, this will be fun

Lets take my car for example, i have a Audi S7 with all the coolest gadgets and there are a lot of bolts but there is also a lot of extras you can buy, back three years ago it was a car with four wheels but now as drivers of a car or in this case Easy Social you need to cater for all your users with a system as big as ES is, if you don't users/drivers move on. This feature that has been requested adds no bulk to ES but a few lines of code. Just like a car each new model get better and more features, that is just how this world works we always want more HAHA and you as devs need to keep up with the requests just like car manufacturers each new model released.

Each time i now see a request for a feature i see go to voices or a reply as to your above, bulking the system or we will visit it later. When you guys first started with the beta i was a big contributor to the bug fixes and NEW features you were adding daily from requests of your users, where has that drive gone?
Monday, 30 March 2015 04:08
0 Votes
Hi Alex,

I'm really sorry that delayed of this reply,
Thanks for heading up on this,
You added the option for users to login with your system and i am getting told by many of my members they hate having to login every time they visit the website, lets take the lock down mode again implemented by you. If my members visit 6-7 times a day which they do, it becomes a very tedious task logging in ALL the time. Most users are lazy!!!

May i know most of your user is login from the PC or MOBILE browser in your site?
By the way, I've tried to login 'Altitudes' site using my mobile phone at last Friday, then I tried to access "Altitudes" site again today, it appeared my account already logged in.
Is it possible provide us with your Joomla backend and FTP access so we can check on this?
Monday, 30 March 2015 17:14
0 Votes
Hello Arlex,

If you read the previous messages, you'll see that this is now working for the Login module, but that the option "Remember Me Style" is missing from the ES main login page (and Log Box module).

Just a word to Mark:

You're right, you can put everything as settings. But talking of wheels and nuts, I would say that in our case, you allow us to choose for one nut (the Login module) and not for the other nuts of the wheels (ES main login page and Log Box module)...
Some of my requests just aim at making ES more consistent with itself. That's one of those.

Monday, 30 March 2015 20:47
0 Votes
Hi Altitudes,

Thanks for heading up on this.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015 01:46
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