By Jesus Alejandro Carmona Quintana on Thursday, 03 September 2015
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Hi there, I'm writing as I've encounter an issue with easyblog, you see if you upload a cover picture with the some name let say e.g. untitled-1 for one blog and then upload another different image for other post but with the same name "untitled-1", in the listing page of the blog it will display the first untitled-1 image that found this is happening in because you have a cache implemented for the images

/adminisitrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/post/post.php in line 4493
$cache[$index] = $image->getSource($size, false, $protocol);

which in terms leads to
/administrator/components/com_easyblog/includes/blogimage/blogimage.php in line 115
if (!isset($cache[$index]))

which return the path to the first image with the duplicated name, I thought I could use a override of the class post.php with a system plugin but it turns out that you require the clases by static method call eg in /administrator/components/com_easyblog_includes/easyblog.php line 4258
public static function post($uid = null, $revisionId = null)
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/post/post.php');

$post = new EasyBlogPost($uid, $revisionId);

return $post;

so the override doesn't work I could do an override of easyblog.php but then I will have to chance every require_once statement. So it would be nice if you could provide a way to have turned off the cache for the image or some other solution for the duplicated image names as you now the users really doesn't put much attencion to the name of the images they are uploading. Please I'll looking forward for an update or some fix to this issue. I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Hey Jesus,

Seems like that was known issue and already fixed in latest version of Easyblog 5.0.24, try update to latest version of Easyblog and see how it goes? If the issue still persists can you provide us with your Joomla backend and FTP access so we can better have a look?
Thursday, 03 September 2015 10:40
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