By electro on Monday, 14 September 2015
Posted in Technical Issues
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go into / financial-library-econotils/trading-platforms/ava-trade-trading-platforms/3747-metatrader-4

komento,is not working,when you try to add comment,is not working.

except that,when komento 2 will be integrated with jfbconnect?! In order users,to be able to sign up socially and login to post comment?!
Hey electro,

I have checked in your page, it seems like some script is not loaded, can you provide us with your Joomla backend and FTP access so we can better have a look ?

except that,when komento 2 will be integrated with jfbconnect?! In order users,to be able to sign up socially and login to post comment?!

Unfortunately that was not possible at this point of time yet.

By the way, please remember to assign your domain to your license to obtain for support in the future. You can do so by accessing your license area at
Monday, 14 September 2015 09:24
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i provided login info,i guess is from some miss configuration into integration with docman on komento 2.

i provided details,login and check,also check plugin jchoptmize,and tweaked up if need it,but jchoptmize seems to work with k2.

it does not work on docman,and jv link directory,and neither in easyblog.

as i have komento,easyblog,easydiscuss,maybe you can tweak settings,for better loading on them!

check backend and let me know.
Monday, 14 September 2015 20:22
0 Votes
Hello electro,

I've checked your site and seems like even on your homepage, the script is not working. For example the login button. It returns me nothing when I clicked it. By the way for the Docman Integration with Komento, it is not developed by us. You might want to consult with the plugin developer.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 10:35
0 Votes
hi guys,

like i said,check on plugin : jchoptmize plugin,that plugin needs to be tweaked.

I know that other things does not work as well,thanks for telling me about the login button,the main problem on joomla,is the speed,once you put all the stuff,components,plugins and everything,you have an website full of features that is loading 30 seconds,nobody waits that much.

jchoptmize practically solves that problem,but it does need tweaking.

The problem is,that KOMENTO for k2 with jchoptmize and with AJAX feature,is working,check it out.
If it`s working for k2,i don`t see no reason why to not work with others like :easyblog 5,docman,jv link directory!

Except the docman plugin,neither the easyblog or jv link directory integration,is not working,check more deeply,and jchoptmize permits all kinds of stuff like exclude or include javascripts,but you guys writed KOMENTO 2,your the only ones,that knows very good,what it should load or what it should not load there.

I am sure if you can fix komento2 for easyblog 5,witch is your own stuff,the same problem will be solved in :JV LINK DIRECTORY and in Docman.

And about the plugin from docman,when i installed komento 2,that plugin was included into the pack,even if it`s writed by someone else,that does not matter too much to me,as i did not make that plugin by myself,and the integration with easyblog 5 witch is your own product is not working too,an javascript or something does not load good there,or jchoptmize needs tweaking.

Also look if the settings are okay ,as i`m using easydiscuss,komento and easyblog 5 ,and all might needs some kind of settings.

Don`t understand me wrong,you guys are great,and you products features are great,but this features are 0,if your website does not load fast,and i think developers and coders,should think also on the side of making things work and load fast,in the world of today,if you website does not load in 2 seconds,your losing 53% of the traffic.

More then that i can confirm you that by my own server logs,from awstats,more then 70+ % of the traffic,goes into 0-30seconds,that is because of speed.

So right now i must work hard with you,and with other developers from were i have templates +components,to make things work first of all,that means first of all the website to load.

thanks for understanding and support !
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 18:08
0 Votes
Hello Electro,

Thanks for the compliment.

I'm sorry for the confusion earlier. As for the JCHOptimize tweaking, this is beyond our support scope. And our Easyblog 5 and Komento 2 integration is working fine out of the box since we have tested this internally before release the stable version. A lot of our users has integrated these two components without any issue.

I've checked your site and found out that JCHOptimize is causing this issue. However, I saw one error that affect the process: . Then, I tried to temporary disable JCHOptimize plugin and the error is gone: . I have never seen this prettyPrint before. May you familiar with it? Even I have excluded both our components from the JCHOptimize plugin, this error still shows.

As for the docman and Komento integration, you can directly integrate it without doing any plugin installation is because Docman has included their plugin in the Docman folder. You can see the plugin in here: ../components/com_docman/komento_plugin.php. Komento has its own plugin that written by our developers which you can see those plugins that included in Komento package here: ../components/com_komento/komento_plugins/.

I'm sorry for any misunderstanding here.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 18:54
0 Votes

I know is working fine,i know other people including me integrated this without no problem,but the real question,is if any of those integrated easyblog5 +komento +jchoptmize ?!And did not have no issues ?!

Check here : ublog/entry/china-says-apple-unit-underpaid-71-million-in-tax-in-2013 ,in here is happening same error?This is in easyblog5

And here : /global-economy/item/207241-china-plans-meeting-in-bid-to-revive-stalled-north-korea-nuclear-talks ?This is in k2.

I don`t understand,why in k2 is working and easyblog 5 is not working?Does the k2 plugin for komento is not writed by you guys?!

I mean in k2 is working and in easyblog5 is not working ?!

do you have any ideea from what component is this?prettyprint...

I don`t have no clue,from were this prettyprint comes out...i founded this but i don`t know if they can help to sort the problem out:

It certainly loads badly something,that is for sure,that is stopping komento to work corectly!

I understand,why i see it,directly,about the docman plugin.thanks for clarify this.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 19:12
0 Votes
I found out in with google chrome that the error is :

<script src=""> </ script>
<[endif] --> </head><body id=bd class="com_jvld view-detail red ltr layout_main-right sj_financial layout_main-right no-slider yt-jv3" onLoad=prettyPrint()><script type="text/javascript">

i think is something from the template?!but i did not find ,no onload=prettyprint on the template index.php file ,maybe you can guide an little bit,and we solve this problem out!

body onload="prettyPrint(); - i guess this is the text,but i cannot find it.

update : i found this in index.php of the template :

<body id="bd" class="<?php echo $cls_body; ?>" onLoad="prettyPrint()">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="debug" />
<section id="yt_wrapper" <?php echo $type_layout; ?>>

<h3 id="top" class="h3-wrapper">wrapper</h3>

Seems that is the line : <body id="bd" class="<?php echo $cls_body; ?>" onLoad="prettyPrint()"> ,that is causing the problem,but how can i excluded to be loaded in jchoptmize ?!or setup it corectly ?! i guess : onLoad="prettyPrint()" with jchoptmize does not work corectly.

your advice is appreciated....
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 21:02
0 Votes
i did put prettify.js ,on the exclude javascript on the jchoptmize.

Please let me know,if in your side is working,on my side the error dissapear,no more eerrrors ,but it`s still does not work...

in the advanced tab of jchoptmize it does have this option:debug plugin :yes or no ,i did setup it with YES. maybe you can find out,what is causing this....even if i exclude prettify.js from it,still does not work.

When you go into komento2,in configuration-profile,the footer is display bad,is not displayed corectly,fix that also.

Now about speed:

with cache conservative without jchoptmize easyblog5 time to load 9.49seconds
with cache conservative without jchoptmize k2 2.6.9 -10.50 seconds without even more things and flashy things that easyblog haves.

The timmings on the component load are very badly,if you load in 9 or 10 seconds,you lose 100% of any traffic,it does not even matter.

with jchoptmize timings on easyblog 5 goes to around 3 seconds and with k2 goes to 2.5-3seconds.

It`s an huge difference,people are busy nowdays,it does not matter if you have 1milion features,if your not loading,nobody cares about you.

Now the easyblog 5 an normal writed posted ,is loading without cache in about 1 minute,if you add google adsense on it,your webpage will load from 2 minutes to 3 minutes,now let`s talk in real terms,who do you think it will wait that time ????

Maybe 99,9% of your customers,buyed the products from you,to just play around,but guess what i did not buyed them to play around,i`m not here to play around,i`m here to do business,and you can`t do business if you website does not load.

Now maybe it does make sense,and maybe jchoptimize should be an priority and another priority should be to make more faster the stuff on your coding,more clean,more less,all javas to be 1 single file,and so on.

To strictly follow yslow and pagespeed rules,into writing the code of any component you write!
Tuesday, 15 September 2015 21:24
0 Votes
Hey Electro,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply as it is actually a public day off for us here. This is where most of you are getting things wrongly. If you turn on conservative cache in Joomla, this is under the assumption that the data on the site does not change frequently. If your site allows logging in / comments / forums, caching is close to useless because your cache is not being put in used correctly.

As for JCH Optimize, I think there is some issues with the way it is compressing the scripts as Nik mentioned earlier. Even the "Login" window is not working. I have tried to switch off JCH Optimize but it is still not working as I believe you are probably running on a CDN / Cloudflare. Can you please turn these off temporarily while I investigate and try to see what went wrong?
Wednesday, 16 September 2015 17:31
0 Votes
Hey Mark,

The problem i know in some situation cache can cause more problems,but the real problem ,is that without cache,the site is loading entirely badly,i mean how does 1minute 2 minute sound to you ???For an user is long away,i can confirm that,with my own logs,more then 70+ of my traffic is gone,and that is because of speed i did not used cache,but i was basically like an Walking Zombie.

Now the cache by itself,it does not solve the problem of loading,because in joomla i have many components,plugins and so on,so cache is doing an part of the job and jchoptmize is doing the rest, i even contacted the guys from smartaddons from were i get the template,to check what is wrong,maybe is something from their side,and we need just to exclude some javascript and things will work back on,i cannot know that,that is why we are here to solve the problems out.

So if i load in 1 minute without no cache and no jchoptmize,i`m like dead you know ?Basically i cannot operate.
It does not even matter ,easyblog 5 or other stuff haves great features,and it really does.

And by the way,i`m not in shared hosting,i`m using dedicated hosting with 4gb of memory and 8cpu threads,so there is not only software,is also hardware on my side.
I even asked my system admin to go on php5.5 because in there i have opcache,and with it turned on,and phpfm the things will be an little bit more faster.I`m still waiting their answer about this setup i need.

I even installed memcached on server level,and right now i have to implement into Joomla,as the file from joomla,is causing CPU load basically,and i need to serve the content from ram to be more instantly.

Now about the cache,we have static cache witch is for Guest Users and the hard part of cache is dynamic cache.

The cache conservative from joomla,acts only for Guest ,because when users logs on we are talking about dynamic cache,witch is not handled by joomla cache.

Now on my side i have an news portal,as the news are dynamic and constantly,basically the news come in ,and after that they can be cached,as the news remains the same to improve speed.
What does not remains the same,is for example Komments on the news,because that is the beauty of this dynamic world we are all living into.

If the user login in,your corectly,the cache is 0,the cache is for GUEST ONLY.

I need to solve the speed problem first of all on GUEST,as without Guest,they are no members and the story continues,this is only one point of the problem.

I need to improve speed for GUEST ,so i can get Members. - static cache

I need after to improve the speed for Members,to keep the members. - dynamic cache

I need to use memcached on server level,to serve everything from RAM,as from RAM is instantly,others methods are not good,and i have to see how i do this,so if i got one news and 30 comments,when an user login in ,to see the news and 30 comments,but when posting the 31 koomento,the system to cache only the 1 comment,and to be totaly 31,to not have to redo the whole cache again.

Basically this is how is working stackoverflow,facebook,etc i guess you know them.

I also put cloudflare,because cloudflare is just an way to leverage the things out across the servers,and because of about 2000 attacks -3000 attacks every 24 hours.

I did saw in server logs,alot of spammers that tryed to submit comments via your component Komento,and thanks to GOD ,you implemented the no-captcha from google,and they were stopped on right time!

With cloudflare is even more better in terms of security.

I will work my ass off every minute,every hour,every day ,to solve this problems with you guys and the rest of the global providers that i`m working with it,i think togheter we are stronger and better.

On my side,i did paused CLOUDFLARE for you MARK,we need to tweak up this jchoptmize in order things to work,i think some exclusion of javascript or css or both,will solve the problem out.

And the knowledge we get by doing this,will help you alot improve your products,and other`s that are using your products,because you will not give them only : FEATURES witch is very important,but SPEED too.

People nowdays are busy and lazy,they don`t want to wait 1 minute for your website to load,they don`t care if your using cache or not,they care first of all to load,then of course second problem is functionality.
I think we can solve them both is just an matter of time to figure it out....

p.s: Status: Paused

Web traffic to this website is no longer receiving performance and security benefits. CloudFlare continues to resolve the DNS. You can reactivate CloudFlare for this website at anytime.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015 18:07
0 Votes
Hi there,

Regarding your JCH optimizer, look like using 'optimum' setting causing alot of conflict on your site thus I've set to use 'intermediate' setting and now your Docman is working correctly with Komentor. Can you please verify again?

Hope this help and have a nice day!
Friday, 18 September 2015 18:06
0 Votes

I can confirm this does solve the problem,thank you.

I updated to last Komento version,and i wanted to report an little issuee i think is CSS or something and ask you about ajax stuff so:

1) Sort by oldest first - this button,if you drag the screen,like an mobile screen,or just test it on mobile screen 5',it`s an little bit messed up ,is not fitting there corectly,like the :Sort by latest first ,feel free to login,or correct this minor bug or css problem in there.

2)By acl,i did remove it Guest posting,but i have enable AJAX,why does it`s showing login to post comment right now ?Instead of showing that ajax friendly face : ADD COMMENT ,and after user click add comment,to see that screen and that he/she needs to register to post comment ?!

Or maybe is some setting in there,that i missed,i don`t know.

3)I did saw it also have :Migrate ,i wanted to ask if i setup rules and stuff for docman and then when migrate to joomla or easyblog 5,practically it will migrate the settings from the plugin of docman to the ones of easyblog5 ?Or what the migrate function does more exactly?
If it does this,is very usefully and clever thinked!
Wednesday, 30 September 2015 21:12
0 Votes
Hello there,

1) Sort by oldest first - this button,if you drag the screen,like an mobile screen,or just test it on mobile screen 5',it`s an little bit messed up ,is not fitting there corectly,like the :Sort by latest first ,feel free to login,or correct this minor bug or css problem in there.
Please add this CSS code into your template css file.

#section-kmt.w600 .kmt-sorting a {
width: 105% !important;

2)By acl,i did remove it Guest posting,but i have enable AJAX,why does it`s showing login to post comment right now ?Instead of showing that ajax friendly face : ADD COMMENT ,and after user click add comment,to see that screen and that he/she needs to register to post comment ?!
Or maybe is some setting in there,that i missed,i don`t know.

Correct me if I'm wrong, did you want to show ADD COMMENT even the guest is not allow to comment and when he/she click on it, it will show the login to post comment? We did that because we don't want to confuse the user. If they can't add a comment, we just show them the login form instead of the ADD COMMENT button which will make them think that they can add a comment.

3)I did saw it also have :Migrate ,i wanted to ask if i setup rules and stuff for docman and then when migrate to joomla or easyblog 5,practically it will migrate the settings from the plugin of docman to the ones of easyblog5 ?Or what the migrate function does more exactly?
If it does this,is very usefully and clever thinked!

Migrator in Komento is only migrate comments from the other component into Komento. Let's say, previously, you were using Easyblog built-in comment system. A lot of comments has been made by all the users. Suddenly, you decided to use Komento instead and you don't want to lose all the comments from the Easyblog built-in comment. You can use the migrator to migrate all the comment.

Hope this helps.
Thursday, 01 October 2015 16:15
0 Votes
Hey nick,

1)It`s okay,but can you tell me more exactly in what file? Or you can login into admin,and post that code,into were it needs ?I think you have access to templates,and the template is sj financial 2,they are alot of css files,and i don`t know were to add that code in order to work,please take an look and add it ,or if you need ftp just let me know.

2)I see,it`s okay then no problem,thanks for clarifying about this is good thinked i get your point!I will leave it like that is no problem.

3)I`m not talking about : MIGRATORS,i know what is that doing and is very good,i`m talking about : when you enter k2 plugin,you have there:MIGRATE SETTINGS ,and is showing component to migrate from,and my question is if i setup some settings in k2 plugin and i wish same settings in docman plugin,i can use that and same settings will be migrated and applied? !
As this will save alot of time.

Thursday, 01 October 2015 21:59
0 Votes

1)It`s okay,but can you tell me more exactly in what file?
Did you add the CSS hack already? Because I can see the css in your page:

3)I`m not talking about : MIGRATORS,i know what is that doing and is very good,i`m talking about : when you enter k2 plugin,you have there:MIGRATE SETTINGS ,and is showing component to migrate from,and my question is if i setup some settings in k2 plugin and i wish same settings in docman plugin,i can use that and same settings will be migrated and applied? !
As this will save alot of time.

Ah, I see. Sorry for the confusion. Yes, it will migrate the setting to docman plugin.
Friday, 02 October 2015 18:17
0 Votes

1)I did not added it,because i didn`t know where to add it more exactly,maybe Mark added it,if it`s working,it`s okay,i will clear cache and double check this thing.

3)Okay,is good then.
Friday, 02 October 2015 20:09
0 Votes
Hey Electro,

Thanks for updating, glad that your issues are resolved now
Saturday, 03 October 2015 18:00
0 Votes

1) i did added that code in the template -red.css ,and now is working,i refreshed cache,and everything is allright.

2)Any news about integration of jfbconnect with komento 2?!
thank you.
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 01:35
0 Votes
Hi Electro,

I am really sorry for the delay of this reply.

1) i did added that code in the template -red.css ,and now is working,i refreshed cache,and everything is allright.

Great! Glad to hear that your issue has been resolved now.

2)Any news about integration of jfbconnect with komento 2?!

Currently we do have a plan to add the jfbconnect integration with komento but it will not be coming soon since we all are currently focusing on easysocial 1.4 support and development of easydiscuss 4. Once everything is done, we will start to focus on Komento development which we will include the integration with jfbconnect.
Thursday, 08 October 2015 14:07
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