By Randall McCallum on Monday, 02 March 2015
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Apple is going to deliver a crap load of real soon...

Thinking of ways that StackIdeas could develop some Notification based features to sync the Apple Watch with EasySocial..

Can you think of any apps that would be awesome to have to get EasySocial to work with the Apple Watch?
Hello Randall,

Haha, are you getting one?
Monday, 02 March 2015 23:58
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Yes. It is the first new technology innovation from Apple that has had me thinking about becoming an Apple Developer again. I should have been more proactive late last year, and got seeded with one. I have some executive connections at Apple in the New Product Developer Group and the Developer Relations Group. It's time to call in a favor and get the Apple Watch.

My two previous companies were always seeded with all the latest software and hardware technology that came out of Apple years ago. If I actually had one, I would never post a photo like the one I added. Of course I mocked up the image above to see what it would look like on my left arm. If I had one and took a photo and posted it to the web, it would be the most epic serious breach of Apple Seed Program Developer Agreement ever. Apple takes product seeding extremely seriously, and I don't want the wrath of Steve Job's ghost to come and haunt me and take my Watch away.

I was going to contact my long time friend at Apple today to get on the Developer Seed Program, but got too busy. I'll wait until the Apple Watch is introduced next week and pre-order one, plus the developer stuff. I have read all the Dev docs that I could get my hands on. Pretty cool stuff. He is most likely up to his eyeballs getting ready for next week (March 9) so I will call him later next week.

The Apple Watch and Dick Tracy
My business partner Rick said the Apple Watch reminds him of the Dick Tracy two way radio. We were fans of the Dick Tracy animated cartoons back in the early 1960s as well as the comic strip in the newspaper. Every kid that grew up in the 1960's wanted a Dick Tracy two way wrist radio. Now every kid at heart will want one of these Apple Watches.

In the first cartoon series, produced from 1960 to 1961 by UPA, Dick Tracy employed a series of cartoon-like subordinate flatfoots to fight crime each week, contacting them on his two-way wrist radio. These subordinates included "Go-Go" Gomez, Joe Jitsu, Hemlock Holmes and Heap O'Calorie. 130 five-minute cartoons were designed and packaged for syndication, usually intended for local children's shows.

See the 39 second mark and the 3:21 mark for the Wrist worn Personal Communicator Watch that was envisioned back in the 1960s.

Ya never know...
When I finalize the first product licensing deal for Rick's latest invention I have a plan to do something that will make people smile in your office. Rick's DXTR tool has gone from an idea through 5 years of prototyping, final development and testing, and I have a few specific personal plans for some of the proceeds. Rick is my business partner and he is a genius when it comes to inventing innovative mechanic focused tool inventions. His latest invention is called DXTR - the Dexterity Tool and it will go to market soon. I have been busy working on some non-exclusive product licensing deals and in the next six months I will have the first OEM non-exclusive licensing deal completed. I want to see the OEM licensing cheque deposited into Dexterity Tools bank account.

When this deal is completed, I plan to send a special care package to Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Do you have any car or automotive fanatics in your office?
Who in your office doesn't want an Apple Watch?

I will post the DXTR Dexterity Tool promotional video as soon as we finalize it in the next few weeks. The second product in the Dexterity Tools line is the Dexterity Stand (an easy to use rotating angle stand for turning vehicles on their side) so a person can work on it in their driveway or garage, and it will be available later this year. I will post more on this at a later date when the Dexterity Tools Network (our social product support network using the StackIdeas genius innovations) is completed. If you have any automotive enthusiasts in your office, I will send a box of them to your office after they go into production. The DXTR - Dexterity Tool is compact and very light, and the Dexterity Stand is pretty bulky to ship from Canada to Malaysia. But ya never know. If you have any auto enthusiasts in your office they will want one so they can easily work on their vehicle.

We will make all this happen this year, and when we reap the rewards for working on cool projects, I think it would be pretty cool to see the whole StackIdeas Team wearing their very own Apple Watches. And maybe, just maybe, a future version of ES will support this way cool Apple Watch innovation.

There are 21 people in your office - am I correct on this number?

I have been so busy finalizing a KickStarter campaign for DXTR, and if the local pre-orders are any indication, DXTR will be a huge hit. Your innovations from StackIdeas are the core basis of all our network needs ie: marketing, sales, promotion, etc and what I have put together so far will be way more cool when EB5 and ES 1.4 are being used. I have been so busy since December, thus the reason I have not been very active in the forums. Too much to do - too little time.

Rick is my best friend and business partner. I have always been into computers, technology and software, and Rick has never ever used the Internet himself. He has never used a computer; never had smart phone; never wore a watch; or a cell phone, and he said the Apple Watch is the first new technology product that has ever caught his attention. He wants one real bad. Once I get him an Apple Watch he will probably want an iPad, and a laptop, or even a Macintosh.

Each day when I demonstrate what I am working on with EasySocial, EasyDiscuss and EasyBlog and show Rick and then the comparison to Facebook, he thinks you guys are the geniuses.

Maybe we will have to deliver the special care packages in person some time later this year?
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia is on our Bucket list of places to visit, and I will finally get to meet you and your team in person.

Now get back to work Mark. Ha ha ha. I have wasted too much of your valuable time already. Time to sleep for me.
Tuesday, 03 March 2015 16:49
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This is a quick photo of the latest prototype of the Dexterity Stand in use on our friend Lee's 1957 MGA Hard Top Coupe. Lee is with Rick (gray hair). The inventor - Rick O'Genski is restoring Lee's dream car. Rick is in the glasses at the back, and this is his old messy shop. Of course the Dexterity Stand is under the car and you can't see it yet.

I can't get him to move into to the new shop yet where everything is all new. He's pretty eccentric and I can't get Rick to part with his old workshop. He seems to know where everything is.

You can use one hand to easily flip the car back and forth so you can work on it from various angles.
Can't show it yet, as we have competitors that are anxious to learn more about this innovative new version of Rick's original Automotive Angle Stand that was patented in the 1980s. It will come in a small shipping box and you can assemble it yourself in less than 5 minutes and have a car or smaller vehicle on it in less than 10 minutes.

EasyDiscuss - Q&A Support section
EasyBlog 5 - Obvious what we will use it for.
EasySocial 1.4 - a social network modeled after the GoPro Network.
Customers can upload their photos of our products in use, and also their videos.

Time for some sleep. I said that over an hour ago.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, 03 March 2015 17:45
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Thanks for sharing Randall
Tuesday, 03 March 2015 23:09
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