By Benoit Gonneville Damme on Tuesday, 07 October 2014
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Hi there,

Currently there are no filter option for discussions in the stream as each discussions are tagged as "group" items in the stream. The only way to filter discussions is if you are already viewing a specific group.

It would be nice to provide an easier way for the users to keep track of the potentialy many discussions happening in the different groups he is in.

Any other ideas?

Should I add this to the Voice for ES?

Hello Benoit,

It's actually not possible to filter discussions from "groups" in particular. It's a little tricky because we actually ride the discussions on the groups app for users and on the groups perspective, it rides on discussions. It wouldn't make sense to have 2 different discussions on the dashboard considering that there's events and groups as well eh?
Tuesday, 07 October 2014 01:51
0 Votes
Hey Mark,

Hot sure that we are speaking about the same thing :P

I'm not speaking about a way to filter discussions PER groups but rather I am suggesting to create a "discussion stream item" type for discussion instead of having all discussions considered as "group stream items".

This would allow to filter the stream to only show the latest discussions items on the main page instead of having to filter by group items and have other group related items (photos, files, tasks, etc.) in the stream.

Right now I feel like there is no easy way for a user to track and follow the latest discussion's posts and topics of the system other than the notifications and to open each and every groups they joined.

Allowing a way to display on the stream only the discussions (from all groups and events the user his subscript too) would be a start. Also, discussions are not currently searchable items. There are no easy way to find a discussion back as you can't bookmark them or search them back using search or tags or keyword and etc.

If you remember the old forums, when you would log back to the system, there would be a page you could visit that would list all the latest topics and post that had being created since your last visit. Basically a "un-read post" list.

I know that there is still EasyDiscuss which as many of those features but I was wondering if you had in mind in the future (near?) to add more ways for a user to track and follow different discussions.

To summarize, here are some ideas :

- create a item type for discussion instead of having those stream items under group
- allow users to search for discussions in the searchbar
- allow tags for discussions
- allow users to bookmark discussions
- create a section under the profil page that list the last un-read post

Let me know if you like some of the ideas and your point of view

If anything, I might just re-install ED for my website but I kind of like staying inside of ES as much as possible.


Saturday, 11 October 2014 13:17
0 Votes
Hello Benoit,

Thanks for the in depth opinion about this and I sincerely appreciate this very much. We'll see what we can do about this in the future
Saturday, 11 October 2014 19:00
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