By Mark on Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Category: EasySocial

EasySocial 1.2.0 RC1

I have been wanting to write a blog on the progress of the beta test but was a little occupied with the development of EasySocial. Since I have some time today, I would like to announce the availability of EasySocial 1.2 RC1 in our Issues section.

The entire team have been working really hard for this release and in total, we have addressed over 350 Issues and also worked on over 100 different improvements over the existing version of EasySocial. Most of you who have been following us with the beta may have already noticed the significant difference between each beta releases and also in the RC1 version. Within just a span of 5 months, we have made a record till date with a total of 18,500 commits! This is really a great milestone achieved for such a short period of time.

These are some of the improvements that we have made since the blog post earlier:

Redesigned Story

The story on the stream has served most of us pretty well and we have decided to take a hit on it by simplifying the process of posting an update in the social network. With the new form factor of the story, we have simplified what was previously complex but still retained the features.

Application Filters

There is not a single extension out there that does this right now and we are the first to be bold to give this a try. With these application filters, users can easily filter through the streams and view what they prefer to view.

Stream Labels

Instead of displaying a label on the stream determining the type of the stream, we have also introduced a better way of displaying the stream items. We believe that with the new icons in the stream, it gives your site a pretty unique look and it doesn't have a boring and dull stream like any other social networks out there.

Social Sharing on the Stream

We have also added the ability to share your stream items to famous and reputable Social Networks like Facebook, VK, Twitter and many more. You could even copy the link and share it with your friends. You will also be able to utilize the very same file manager within your discussions too!

Awesome File Manager for Groups

In the previous blog post, we did mention that Groups will be available in 1.2 and we thought we wouldn't want to miss out on adding an awesome file manager in groups to allow better collaboration between group members.

Migrator for Community Builder

There has been quite a number of request for this after the JomSocial Migrator; therefore we also added a new migrator that allows you to migrate your existing Community Builder profiles over to EasySocial.



Tasks App Makeover

In the earlier releases, the tasks app looks rather boring. We have decided to add some makeover to the tasks app this time:

Quicker Signup Process

We have also added the ability for users to easily register on the site using the Quick Registration area. This would encourage more user registrations on the site and grow your community faster!


CDN for Javascripts and CSS

You can now configure EasySocial to serve all the Javascript and CSS files by configuring the Pull CDN settings. With the new CDN addition, you can now offload all your unnecessary bandwidth usages and keep your community light and speedy.

These are just some of the additions and it's only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of other improvements that we made that I can't really list them all out here. Also, on behalf of the team, we would like to thank all beta testers who have been helping us out with the beta releases earlier.

Update: K2 Integrations

In this release candidate as well, we have also included K2 integrations with EasySocial. You can now filter stream items from K2 items or even display them right under your profile. Apart from that, it also enhances the existing K2 article item

As EasySocial 1.2 is now RC1, I'd like to advise you to not install this version into your live site as it may render your site with errors. Kindly wait till the final stable version is out only then you can install in your live site. For now, use this version only in your local site. 


Cheers and Happy Socializing!

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